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"I think we should go."

Jennie said so I smiled at her. I grabbed my suit and put it in her arms, she probably felt cold.

"Thanks." She said and started walking. I looked at her from behind, she really looks elegant after a lot of years.

We did not talk the whole ride to the hotel. I can't help but to feel glad because I finally told her what I feel after all these years.

She already have Hanbin and it's fine. I didn't want Jennie to wait for me to become better, I didn't tell her that but there's a part inside of me that I wished that she did, waited for me.

I'm just glad that she's happy that's what matters.

We reached her suite and I stood behind her, waiting for her to get inside.

"Uh, good night." Jennie looked up to me and gave me a smile. "I hope you're feeling better."

I couldn't help but to smile. After all, she still cares for me. Even though I treat her like shit in the past, she still cares for me.

"Good night." I told her while slightly waving my hand. "I'm just in the front door, buzz me if anything happens."

She nodded and awkwardly get inside her room, I waited for her to close the door and I went to my room, just in front of hers but she opened her door again.

"Why?" I asked, biting my lips to hide my smile because she looks like a fourteen year old kid in an adult's dress.

"You want to drink with me?" She asked shyly. "If you like...uh, you can reject the offer."

I can't help but to laugh at her cuteness. Is she really thirthy-two? Why am I seeing a kid right now?

"Sure, Miss Kim." Her eyes suddenly went bright. "I'll just go change."

"Okay." And then she slammed the door, leaving me, all smiles while looking at her door.

I went to my room to take a shower and change into my white shirt and gray sweat pants. I did not bother to dry my hair with a hair blower but I tried to dry it with a towel.

I grabbed the nachos and salsa from the fridge and went to Jennie's door. I knocked twice but she did not answer.

Her life is in a threat so I couldn't help but to feel nervous when she did not reply.

"Jennie!" I started banging the door but it suddenly opened, Jennie is looking at me with a frown. "I thought something happened to you."

"You're being impatient, Mister." She rolled her eyes and gestured me to come in. "Why are you banging the door like that?" She sounded pissed so I giggled.

"I'm sorry." I apologises and scanned her looks. She is wearing a sweat shirt and her dolphin shorts, her long hair is down neatly.

Oh heavens... please remind me that she's not single.

We sat on the side of her bed, facing the giant clear window and looking at how beautiful the view is.

"Don't you remember the eight year old me promising you that I'm taking you to Spain when I grow up?" Jennie asked as she took a gulp from her beer.

I also chug on my beer before giving her a silent laugh. "You did..."

"How about the six year old me telling you that I wanted to be a stripper so I can make easy money?" We both laughed hard. "That sounds disgusting..."

Jennie when we are young is very talkative, she's like the kid that you want in birthday parties because she lifted the mood.

"How about when I told you that I'm going to marry you?" I asked, the air suddenly felt heavy after what I have said.

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