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This is the second time Val got me into something that I wish they didn't. I've become what resembles an addict to Mystic Messenger, and that game is as heterosexual as it gets...but this is on a deep deep level of bad.

They were invested in a story. So much so that they took a day off of work to read it. So I got interested. And I swear, Val is some type of evil. Instead of warning me to mind my own buisness, they sent me a link. Now I am invested in a story that I wish I wasn't. It's so well written and portrayed and TOXIC, but it's so horrible. I am deeply invested as a story, but it's so horrible.

Never trust a gay who likes anime to reccomend you stories. Never. Never ever. I'm on season two of Killing Stalking. Val is almost finished and saying they regret all life decisions leading up to this moment. We are on the couch together HOPING some maniac with a bat doesn't come in here. Why do I subject myself to this? Why is it so good? WHY IS SOMETHING SO FUCKED UP SO GOOD!?

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