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We have gotten to Donna being the Doctor's companion. My dad says Donna is his favourite companion, which is wild. Yeah, she gets character development, but you have to wait so long for the pay off. Afterward, all her character development gets erased.

On another not, it's so odd that the house I was raised in is not my forever home. Ever since I've been quarantined, I have spent my days here, and my nights in my new home. I'll definitely get used to it, but being where I'm used to being and then sleeping somewhere else is confusing my brain.

I would like it if we all lived together there like a Full House situation. If that doesn't end up happening, I hope at the least that I can live there permanently.

I wonder if I could ever be a companion in the TARDIS. The answer is probably not, unless I had a job like Mickey. In theory, it would be so fun to see different galaxies. I can barely handle different houses. Plus, there is a lot of running in Doctor Who, and I can't do that yet.

This truly is a diary entry, huh? I'm not just talking about my day, I'm just writing down my thoughts in a healthy way. I hope I don't get talked to by Miss Stone because of my slight identity crisis. Which happens to involve Doctor Who.

Maybe I'll erase all of this and write down something else. Something silly about my dad liking Donna the most when Rose exists. Or how Cassandra deserved better. I hate quarantine. I wanna do whatever I want.

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