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Aaron's birthday was Friday, but he was away all weekend and couldn't celebrate with me. Now, he's forced to be at the new house because I told him I bought a cake!

I used my DIY leg and we played Just Dance. Dawn was still here after spending the weekend at our house and played with us. She called Aaron pretty and he acted as if this was a courtship. Dawn beat us at Just Dance twice and would cheer and go around the house saying she won. After her second victory we switched it over to Wii bowling. Aaron and I are both REALLY good at Wii bowling and become super competitive, so Dawn didn't participate.

A few rounds in, Val's grandparents came to pick Dawn up. She told them how she won in Just Dance and that she bets she could best us in Smash. Aaron asked her who her main was and she said purple Donkey Kong and Val plays Joker. He told her he plays as Min Min and Cherry mains Doctor Mario. Dawn asked me who I like to play, and I told her Bayonetta.

Once she left, Aaron and I ate the cake I bought and only threw a little bit at each other.

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