Chapter Thirty

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It wasn't long after that all the villains had escaped or had been captured. I just stood there. My brain was trying to process and catch up on everything that had just happened. The building had gone deathly silent and it was killing me. My trance was broken when Todoroki spoke up, "If the teachers are here that means everyone at UA is safe. The villains attacked this facility but not the rest of the campus." Midoriya ran off and Kirishima called after him, "Midoriya! Hey! Where are you going?!" Izuku waved behind him, "Sorry! I have to go check on someone!" I started to follow, "Wait! Izu-chan! You shouldn't-" A wall of earth rose from the ground, stopping me in my tracks. A deep voice spoke to my right, "You should stay back and meet the others at the entrance, young lady. It's dangerous. Leave it to us, we can take care of them." I turned to face the cement brick of a hero, "But!-" Bakugo gently grabbed my arm, "Nozomi.." I looked between him and the pro. I gave a small nod in defeat and Bakugo started to walk me back to the others. I looked back to the wall of earth that had been created as we walked back to the group. I murmured to myself, "I hope they'll be okay." Kirishima gave a light pat on the back, "No worries. It looks like the pros are handling everything. Nothing to worry about." I put on a weak smile, "You're right." Bakugo's grip on my elbow tightened but softened. I looked up to him and he seemed to have a hard stoic look on his face. Does he know that I'm still worried?

He didn't bother letting go which kind of made the trip up to the entrance awkward. The group tried to hide their gaze but it seems like Bakugo was the only one oblivious to it. The teachers directed us outside to avoid contact with the villains being detained. When we made it outside, I finally decided to say something, "Bakugo, you can let go now. You've been holding on for a while and your gloves are starting to hurt." He blushed lightly and let go, "I didn't want to lose sight of you and I wanted to make sure you wouldn't leave." I gave a tight smile, "I don't need a guardian y'know?" The detective on the case counted for everyone, "Seems like the only one not here is the kid who had some minor injuries to his hand." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. I guess this was a sign for everyone to talk about what happened.

Hagakure tapped Ojiro's shoulder, "Ojiro! I heard you were in the Fire Dome with Nozomi. You guys took out a bunch of bad guys all on your own!" Orjiro sweated a little, "I barely did anything. Nozomi was the one who basically took everyone out. I was just back up." I felt Bakugo seethe next to me. I gave a shy look, "Awe, come on! I didn't do that much! You were a lot of help Ojiro!" He laughed, "I appreciate that but I really didn't do anything. You were even the one who had an escape plan, minus dropping us into the lake." Bakugo didn't hold back anymore. He grabbed me by the cheeks and started pinching, "Just how much of your quirk did you use!? You could have died doing all of that on your own!" I cried out, "OWOWOWOWOW KAAA-CHAAAN!" This made Ojiro and Hagakure cringe. Bakugo finally backed off and let go. I rubbed my sore cheeks, "That wasn't niiice.." That's when I overheard Kirishima, "So I guess they were all low level thugs. You should have seen me and Bakugo, manliest men here, kicking all of their butts!" I felt a new fire light within me. I direct all my raging energy towards Bakugo. I growled as I walked towards him, "So you can fight all the bad guys but I can't?" He barked, "What of it!?" I leaped at him and pinched his cheeks, basically trying to pull apart his face, "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE BY LECTURING ME!?" He pulled at my arms, "THE HELL ARE TALKING ABOUT!?" This made the whole group laugh.

The detective spoke up, "Alright, alright. Let's get these students back to the main campus. They've been through a lot, we don't need to question them right away." Tsu hopped to the front of the group, "Detective. What about Mr. Aizawa?" My guilt returned and I let go of Bakugo. The detective answered unwaveringly, "The doctor says the bones in his arm are splintered and he has some facial fractures." I tried not to cry as I'm now having vivid memories of his crumpled body on the ground. The detective continued, "Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any brain damage, but his orbital flooring has almost been completely destroyed. We have no way of knowing if his eyesight will be impaired once he's healed up." Upon hearing the news, I raised a hand to cover my mouth as I tried not to vomit in the process. Bakugo took notice as the commotion continued. He moved and stood close to me, his side touched mine and he took my spare hand. He was letting me know he was there. It helped a bit. I removed my hand from my mouth and took a couple deep breaths, gently squeezing his hand in gratitude. Hearing the end of the conversation, the detective ushered us to the bus. This time Bakugo refused to let go of my hand.

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