Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Blood splattered across the battlefield. In the blink of an eye, the Nomu had Aizawa pinned to the ground and had twisted his arm till it was bloody and broken. I screamed, "Aizawa! NO!!" Without a second thought I blasted out of the water. Midoriya called after me, "No Nozomi!" I blatantly ignored him. I screamed, "Get off of him! YOU BLOODY BASTARD!!" I sent an explosion into the side of the Nomu. I panted. The smoke settled and the Nomu didn't budge. Not a single inch. His skin was partially blasted away but it began to heal. A raspy voice came from my right, "Oho, looks like we made a bonus catch." Aizawa cried out, "Nozomi! What were you thinking?! GET OUT OF HERE!" My vision flicked between all of them. I squeezed my eyes shut, "I don't know! My feet moved on their own. I couldn't stand there and watch as they hurt you! I'M NOT GOING TO LET ANYONE ELSE DIE!"

I rushed the Nomu again before I got there, the Nomu let go of Aizawa and batted me away like a fly. I hardened before I hit a wall but it still hurt. I crumpled to the ground coughing. Before I gave it much more thought, the Nomu was on top of me trying to crush me into the dirt. I gagged, it was getting harder to breath. I tried to reach up and touch the Nomu but it had my arms. I refuse to let it break me. I hardened even more- but it wasn't enough. It swiftly dislocated my shoulder and I lost feeling in my arm. My breathing ceased as an immense amount of pain jolted down my back. I cried out, "GAAAH!" Shigaraki cooed, "Now, now. We can't break that one. We're supposed to bring her back alive." I grit my teeth, "LIKE FUCKING HELL! I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" I set off explosions relentlessly until my skin was hot and dry. I peeked over my shoulder. I saw the Nomu's bones underneath the muscle. My eyes widened as I witnessed all of it's muscle and skin grow back. Doesn't this monster feel fucking pain!? It grabbed me by the collar. I used my spare hand to help me pull up so I wouldn't be choked out. Shigaraki laughed, "My, my! Look at the fire in this one. Throwing a tantrum like a child trying to save their measly teacher."

The shadow from before appeared next to the delirious villain. The shadow spoke low, "Tomura Shigaraki." The pale villain greeted the shadow, "Kurogiri, did you manage to kill 13?" My eyes widened and I continued to struggle harder. Kurogiri replied, "The rescue hero is out of commission. But there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got outside of the facility." Shigaraki gasped, "Huh!?" The villain began to anxiously scratch at his neck more and more vigorously, "Kurogiri... You fool.. If you weren't our warp gate, I'd tear apart every last atom in your body." From here, I could see that his neck was beginning to bleed. "There's no way that we can win if dozens of pros come to stop us. It's game over. Back to the title screen. And I was looking forward to finishing this today. Damn it, let's go home." He paused, "Oh, before we leave- let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken. Let's wreck his pride." Allmight? They got 13 and Aizawa. What more do they want!?

Suddenly, Shigaraki dashed to where Midoriya and the others were. I screamed through a gargled throat, "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" Shigaraki stopped right before touching Tsu, "You really are so cool." He looked at Aizawa's body. He was twitching on the ground, his head facing Shigaraki's direction. Is he using his quirk, as beat up as he is? Midoriya acted quickly, "You! Let her go! SmmaaaAASSH!" A turbulent wind swept the stadium, moving water and breaking the stadium lights. The Nomu dropped me to the ground. I yelped as I landed on my bad shoulder, "Fuuuck!" I need to act quickly. I looked for the person from before. Their gaze stayed glued to the ground and they didn't move. Not wasting any more time, I used regeneration. My shoulder popped back into place and I grit my teeth through the pain. It took everything I had not to curse and scream. I shook my arm as I was slowly regaining feeling. I turned my attention back to where Midoriya was. The dust had settled and the Nomu took the punch. Midoriya looked in shock. I shouted, "Midoriya get away from him. I dashed to Aizawa's side. He was fading into unconsciousness. I slapped his cheek a little, "Oi, old man! Wake up!" He scoffed, "Just because I'm dying doesn't give you permission to call me that." I shouted, "I'm not letting you die!" I used zero gravity and lifted him onto my shoulder. Just as I started running for the entrance, All Might had smashed through the entrance doors. Aizawa groaned, "Jeez. Here he is making a grand entrance again." I laughed as I made a run for it. Now, would be the time to get us away while All Might has everyone's attention.

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