Chapter Seven

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 I woke up to someone stroking my hair. I moaned, "Izuku?" I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, "What're you doing?" Midoriya waved his arms, "I-I'm sorry. You just looked so peaceful sleeping, I didn't want to wake you." I smiled, "It's okay. Thank you. I appreciate it. I don't always sleep well, so that means a lot." Midoriya blushed, "S-su-sure thing." I looked at him seriously, "How do you feel?" He smiled, "Much better." I smacked the back of his head. He cringed and whined, "Ooow. What was that for?" I barked, "You scared the crap out of me Izuku! When I got news that you've been seriously injured, I ran all the way here! You can't be doing something so reckless!" He hung his head, "I'm sorry Nozo-chan. I didn't mean to make anyone worry. I had to save her." I relaxed. I didn't know he got injured trying to protect someone. That person should feel really lucky. He started crying, "In the end, I didn't get a single point." Tears landing on the sheets on his lap. I murmured, "Midoriya.." He looked up at me, voice wobbling, "I'm sorry Nozo-chan. I wanted to do my best but I ended up letting everyone down." My heart broke for him, tears welled up in my eyes. I shouted, "That's not true Izu-chan!" He whimpered, "Nozo-chan.." I continued, now crying, "You didn't let anyone down! You did do your best! No one is disappointed in you. You are my best friend and I believe in you! I know your deed will not go unnoticed." His lip quivered, "Thank you Nozo-chan for believing in me." I took him into a tight hug. He continued to quietly cry into my shoulder, tightly holding my clothes in his balled fists.

After a bit, he relaxed and let go of my clothing. His eyes were a little red and his undereye was a little swollen. I wipe off the remaining tears with the sleeve of my sweater. I gave the best smile I could muster up, "Let's go home, mmkay?" He nodded weakly. I stood up, "I'll gather your things while you get dressed." I left, pulling the curtain behind me to provide privacy. It's crazy that Izuku wasn't able to score a single point. I'm a little worried about his results but this is an elite academy. They probably have taken some other things into account other than combat points. I found his backpack laying on another bed and put his cell phone inside. I picked it up and waited outside his curtain, "Almost done in there Izuku?" He pulled back the curtain and fully dressed again, "Ready to go?" I gave a cheeky grin and handed his backpack back, "Yep!"

We said our goodbyes to Recovery Girl and started to leave the building. As we were walking down the stairs, Midoriya asked, "I was wondering Nozo-chan. How did Ka-chan do in the exam?" I blushed lightly, "He did great. The stupid jerk." Izuku sounded a little surprised, "The stupid jerk?" I huffed, "He's a perverted idiot!" Midoriya blushed, "Perverted!?" I grumbled, "I don't want to talk about it. When I see him next, I'll make his life miserable!" Izuku laughed lightly, "I'm glad you two are getting along." I gaped, "You call this getting along!?" Izuku smiled and nodded as we exited the academy gates, "Yeah. Normally he doesn't give people the time of day. It seems like he tolerates you." I blushed and turned my face away. Midoriya stopped, "I start heading the other way here." I looked around and realized that we moved faster than I thought. I waved, "Alright! Text me when you get your letter okay!?" He nodded and waved goodbye. I kept walking, looking up at the sunset. It's so pretty. I thought how this is strangely familiar.

As I approached our apartment complex, I thought that there's a sunset every day so of course it was familiar. I walked up the steps and looked at the front door. It was left open a crack. My heart dropped into my stomach. The dream I had flashed before my eyes and I panicked. I raced up the stairs and flung the door open. The apartment was trashed. My body trembled as I was afraid to turn on the light. I needed to find Akira. I grit my teeth and flicked on the light. Blood. My body was fully shaking at this point. I cried out, "Akira!?" I heard a cough from the kitchen, I stumbled over the blood trail into the kitchen. I saw Akira lying on the floor in a pool of her blood, skin slashed and missing a chunk off her side. I dropped to her side, shaking her body, "AKIRA! AKIRA!" She coughed. I gasped, "Akira. Oh my god." She wheezed, "Nozo-mi.." I was sobbing, "Akira! Hang in there, I'll go get help." She grabbed my cheek, her hand icy. I held her hand there, I tried pressing on her side to prevent any more blood loss, "Akira! Please!" She shook her head, "Nozo-mi, You- need- to leave." She choked, her body about to give up on her, "Nezu- he-'s a dear- friend. He-'s the prin-ci-pal of UA. Go- back. It- not safe- here-'' I was bawling, "Akira! Please! Please don't go!" She feebly smiled, the light in her pale green eyes dulling, "Nozo-mi. I- love- you.." Her hand fell from my cheek. At that moment, my world came crashing down as her body went limp underneath me. I felt like puking, my stomach cramped. I held her body in my arms, stroking her hair wailing, "Akira.. Akira! Please!" I couldn't handle it anymore. I gently laid her body on the floor. Maybe I can still save her. I need to go to the academy. Maybe this Nezu can save her. I don't have the power to heal her so maybe Recovery Girl can help too!

I get up and stumble out of the apartment, holding my stomach. My knees wobbled as I tripped down the stairs, clutching to the rails. I hit the ground running as hard as I could, my mind racing. I covered my mouth, now is not the time to hurl. I kept running and running. I tried to remember the route I took this morning but, it was getting dark outside. I kept crying as I slowed down, it was a chore just to move one foot in front of the other. I heard a familiar voice, "Nozomi?" I turned, "Ka-chan?" My eyes landed on the familiar blonde. I collapsed. My heart felt like it was giving out. I couldn't breathe. His eyes widened and he dropped his bag, "What the hell happened!?" He tried to get me to stand, "You're covered in blood. I need to get you to a hospital." I whimpered, "No. No! I have to get back to the academy. I have to see the principal. Akira-" He barked, cutting me off, "Are you crazy!? You're covered in blood and you want to see the damn principal?!" My body wouldn't cooperate and I fell back down to the ground with a thud. I cried, "Katsuki- please." I looked at him, pleading, "This is what Akira told me to do." He griped, "Dammit. I don't know what kind of trouble you're in, but-" He helped me onto his back, "Hold on!" I murmured, "Ka-chan, I can't." He cursed, "Shit. Just focus on locking your arms around me." He grabbed my legs and started running.

We made it to the academy gates but they were closed. He panted, "Shit." I wept, "Ka-chan. If I fail, she'll die." He gently sat me on the ground. Then he started slamming on the metal doors, "Aye! Open up! This girl needs to talk to the principal!" No response. He screamed, "Dammit! Open up!" This time he swung and slammed an explosion into the door. The smoke and wave from the blast made me topple over. Now I laid on the ground, listening to Bakugo banging on the door. I failed. I'm a failure. Akira is dead because of me. Just then, the metal doors screeched open. I weakly lifted my head to see a tall man with long black hair and a white dog standing on its haunches? The white dog spoke, "Bakugo, my boy, that's enough now." Bakugo shouted, "Took you long enough." He came to my side, "She said she needs to talk to the principal." The white dog nudged the man next to him, "Oh wow, she's covered in blood." Bakugo picked me up in his arms, barking back, "No duh! She needs help." I struggled to speak, "Akira-" The man with the black hair eyes widened, "Akira?" The dog put his hands together, "Oh! You're Akira's child? I'm Nezu. It's nice to finally meet you in person." I nodded, "They attacked. They got Akira. She's been hurt." Nezu suddenly held a grave expression, "I was afraid that was the case, with all that blood on your clothing. Follow us, young Bakugo." He held me closer to his chest, "Where are we going?" I put a hand on his chest, "It's okay. Akira told me that I can trust them. He's the principal of UA after all. I don't see why we can't trust them." I looked up to meet his gaze with a weak smile, trying to be comforting, "If you don't feel comfortable, I can wa-" His eyes narrowed and muttered, "Don't be stupid. You can't even sit up on your own." I went quiet. He's not wrong. I probably wouldn't have made it here without him. I rested my head on his shoulder, "Thank you, Ka-chan." He scoffed, "Idiot." He then followed Nezu and the strange man into the academy, the metal doors screeching closed behind us.

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