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These rooms never see the light of day. Screams fill the halls. As far as I can remember, this has been home. Here in these cement walls, nothing filled the room except for a mattress on a metal frame tucked in the corner covered with ragged sheets. It was always cold. It's something I'm used to. I've known nothing else.

On the mattress, I sank into the furthest corner clinging to the sheets that covered my withered and battered body. I stared at the metal door, the only thing that allowed exit. It was time. Every time the screams ceased, they would be followed by the screeching wheels and rumbling of a cart. A cart they wheeled around. I could hear the cart getting closer. My body trembled automatically, aware of what was coming next.

The cart's screeching came to a halt in front of the door. Metallic banging on the other side of the door ensued. Even though this was routine, my body jumped at the loud noise. An eerie voice of a man I've grown to fear called out through the door, "Hello darling.~ Did you miss me?" The sound of the bolt on the other side door then slammed, and the door creaked open. The squealing of the hinges made me cover my ears. "Go away! Don't hurt me anymore!" I cried out. His cackle made it past my hands and rang in my ears. I look up teary-eyed and scared. It was him again. Through the tears, I could recognize the black shaggy hair and jagged toothed grin. The tall lanky man hunched in the doorway stared back at me with his sunken eyes, "03 darling, don't be scared."

He couldn't help himself but laugh maniacally again. He grabbed the medical cart and dragged it behind him into the room, getting closer. Hidden behind him was a woman. "Doctor Zeterra!" My eyes beamed as I addressed the women. The only light I've ever been shown. Her long strawberry hair complimented her hourglass waistline. Behind the thin lens of the glasses, her light green eyes brought a sense of relief to my heart. The man grumbled, pulling out gloves from the stained and tattered lab coat he wore. "Of course she remembers the bimbo's name." The woman closed the door behind her, clearing her throat. "03, it's nice to see you again." She moves to the cart as well, fear digging back into my heart as she lays her clipboard down on the cart. She snapped on some gloves as well. "As for you Dr. Phante, watch your tongue." Their eyes meet and narrow for a brief second before their attention returned to me again.

A whimper escaped my throat. "Please, no more. I've been a good girl. It hurts. I can't take any more medicine." Speaking softly, Doctor Zeterra caressed my cheek, "03, it will be okay. The more you behave, the faster we'll be gone. We still need to test and monitor your quirks." Doctor Phante snapped, "Do not speak anymore. She can not know beyond that." Glaring back with a glint of her glasses, Doctor Zeterra hissed, "I am aware of that Mr. Phante. I do not need you to remind me. Besides, she's just a child, she doesn't know better." Phante scoffed, "You have a particular fondness for 03, the higher-ups are aware. I'm only keeping you in check to keep my position secure."

I cupped her hand that remained on my cheek, tears streaming as I was mentally preparing for what was to come next. I nodded my head in submission as I moved to lay flat on the bed. She looked at me in sorrow as she gently removed the covers. The only things protecting me from the cold air were the bandages wrapped around my chest and the underwear I had been provided. My body was still trembling but I couldn't control it. Phante snickered as he snatched my arm, syringe in hand. "Look at her, the perfect specimen shivering to the bone." Doctor Zeterra stood silently by, avoiding eye contact. He cooed, "I can't wait to see the results of the completed project."

Suddenly he jammed the needle in my arm, just below my shoulder. I screamed, the pinpoint surprise coupled with the searing heat of the fluid he injected made me jolt in pain. He laughed with his eyes now erratic, "Yes. It hurts, doesn't it!? It's not even over yet!" Doctor Zeterra, stood visibly tense, gritting her teeth, "Was that necessary?" Doctor Phante craned his head facing her direction, voice stone-cold. "All experiments we do are necessary." A smile spread on his face as he continued, "I'm simply adding more variables to the experiment. What's the harm of adding a little extra pizazz to our day." He shrugged, "What we do is already illegal. We've already crossed a line. What's wrong with pushing the limits of sanity?" He yanked the syringe out of my arm and picked up the next one from the cart. Raising it high, he shouted hysterically, "The fear I see in their faces... ONLY ADDS TO THE FUN!" He swung and sank the needle into my thigh. I screamed so loud my lungs burned, suddenly being so aware of the cold air filling my lungs.

Doctor Zeterra stepped in and smacked his hands away, ripping out the needle. Blood trickled down my legs, hot against my freezing skin. The pain from the first injection started to spread through my whole body causing complete agony. My stomach turned and my head started to feel like it could explode. I was screaming until I couldn't breathe. Whatever they injected into my body made me convulse. I could no longer control my body. Zeterra cursed under her breath. Scrambling to the cart, she began tossing medical equipment around in search of something. Phante then dangled a syringe with a purple-colored fluid above the woman. A smug grin plastered on his face, "Looking for this?" She stood straight, body rigid with anger. I could only see the side of her face but it was contorted into a snarl, "Give it here-" Her eyes then turned from the lovely green I knew so well to a deep burning red, "-or else."

His face paled, and he reluctantly lowered the syringe. She snatched the syringe and rushed to my side. I was shaking the entire bed at this point, the frame squeaking. I couldn't breathe and I was gasping for air. She struggled to pin my arm down and urgently begged for me to hold still. "It will be over in a minute. Hold on." She stuck the needle into my arm, below the nook of my elbow. She slowly injected the purple fluid into my veins, a cool relief followed as it spread through my body. I stopped convulsing, catching my breath as cold sweat fell down my face. Seeing the results, Doctor Zeterra fell to her knees next to the bed. Pulling out the syringe and tossing it back onto the cart, she brought her gaze back to meet mine. She looked like an angel, her long strawberry hair falling down her slim shoulders, warmth in her emerald green eyes, a tight smile graced her face. She took the cuff of her lab coat and dabbed away the sweat off my face and pushed aside my pale pink hair. She whispered, "Better?" I nodded weakly.

She quickly regained her composure, pulled up the covers, then turned to face Doctor Phante. He looked to be recording notes on the clipboard Zeterra brought in. She snatched the clipboard from his hands and barked at him, "You knew what the hell you did! You could have killed her! What will you do when the boss gets word of this?! She's the closest one to completion compared to the rest of them. Don't let your personal sick game get in the way of our progress." He chuckled, "Matter of fact, I did. Why do you think I had the calming solution in hand?" She clenched her hands. Before she could say more, he leaned and uttered, "You do realize, because she's so close to perfection... she'll be put in the tank tomorrow." She fell silent, her eyes flickered with emotion. I laid there in confusion, wondering what they were talking about. My body couldn't keep up because of all of the commotion and stress. As my mind began to fade, the last thing I remember was the screeching and the loud bang of the door being closed. The dark bland room returned to its empty silence before blackness ensued.

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