Chapter Twenty

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**Slight NSFW Warning**

I flopped on my bed face first and groaned, "Waaagh! I'm so tired.." My body relaxed in bliss at the sheer comfort in bed. I could fall asleep right here, right now. Although, I really need a shower. I rolled over onto my back and reflected on the hell of the day I had. Midoriya and Bakugo fought. Midoriya was seriously injured. I hurt myself getting there with pure stress and adrenaline. I did that with Bakugo. Passed out. Woke up and stayed with the injured Midoriya. Then watched a proclamation between rivals.

"What would I do without you, Teddy Bear?"

I rolled back over and buried my face in the pillow for a silent scream. He just doesn't care about what he says, doesn't he? I sat up on the edge of bed and mulled it over. I am happy that I can be there for him, even when he seems like he doesn't want it. I stood and started stripping on the way to the bathroom. I wonder how he feels about me? I shook my head as I closed the bathroom door behind me. Is he playing with me? If so, the teasing is going too far. I turned on the water to the shower. While I waited for the water to warm up, I stood in front of the mirror in my bra and underwear. I stared at the reflection in the mirror. My body was covered in varying scars. The most prominent one went down the center of my stomach. Starting in between my breast and ending right above the line of my underwear. I lightly traced the scar and shuddered at the distant memory. They really just treated me like a lab rat. Being dissected and injecting me with whatever. The longer I stared at my body the more disgusted I felt, seeing the numerous pinpoint scars and small scalpel scratches. I pulled my hair out of my ponytail and took off my underwear.

Stepping into the warm water brought instant relief to my aching muscles. I sighed, feeling my body's stress rinse down the drain but I couldn't push away the persistent thoughts. How could someone grow to like someone like you? I began to shampoo my hair, trying to ignore them. You couldn't even save Midoriya. You're useless. I grit my teeth as I rinsed out the suds. I put in the conditioner and began to use body wash massaging sore muscles. You almost hurt Bakugo without giving it a second thought. Fed up, I slammed a fist against the shower wall, "Dammit! Shut up!" I kneeled on the shower floor and laid my head against the shower wall. I murmured, "Bakugo.." I remembered what I did in this position and felt the heat return to my body. I slid a hand between my thighs and rubbed myself. I let out a moan, remembering his kisses. I felt the heat swell between my legs and I began to gently play with my chest. I tried to stay quiet but I couldn't help but moan. I remembered how his fingers felt inside. I slid a finger inside to replicate the feeling. I gasped as I moved them, beginning to pant. The steam combined with my body heat began to make me feel light headed and I let my body be consumed by the pleasure. I wanted to feel it deeper. I want to feel Bakugo. With those thoughts, I felt the waves of orgasm take my body.

As my orgasm finished, I blushed and slumped to the floor. What the hell did I just think about!? I slapped my cheeks, "I'm so stupid!" Suddenly, I heard a knock at the bathroom door. Ben's muffled voice called from the other side of the door, "Hey Nozomi? Are you okay?" I jumped up and rapidly rinsed off, "Y-yeah! On-one second!" He continued, "Are you sure? I thought I heard a thud from upstairs so I came down to check. When I came in, I thought you were groaning in pain." I felt extreme heat come to my face and shoulders. Did he hear me playing with myself? I mildly panicked and laughed nervously, "Y-y-yeah! I-I-I'm f-fine! Just got roughed up with training today i-is all." I hopped out of the shower and quickly dried off with a towel. I wrapped myself in it and rushed to the door. I opened it and Ben stood there hair still styled and slicked back from school, but he stood in a fitted long sleeve and jeans. He smiled, purple eyes sparkled, "Oh good, you're okay." I still felt my blush on my cheeks, "B-Ben. C-could you w-wait outside my room if you need something?" He looked down and realized the situation. His ears turned a bright red and stuttered, "Oh! Y-yeah. S-s-sorry!" He fled the room and slammed the door behind him.

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