Chapter Nine

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I wake up, arms still wrapped around me. I try to look over my shoulder and I still see blonde. The sun was now shining in the room. I heard Nezu's cheery voice from behind the desk, "Good morning, Nozomi." My stomach growled in reply. He laughed, "Oh my, it sounds like you're hungry." I rubbed my eyes, "Well, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning." Nezu disappeared behind the desk, "Well, the international students will be moving into their housing today. I can show you your room if you'd like. They are currently preparing breakfast for any early birds that show up." I shift and look down at Bakugo. Nezu walked around the desk holding some papers, "He can come too if he would like, but he looks like he's still quite tired. An odd friendship you two have." He groaned, his eyes still closed, "We aren't friends." Nezu laughed again, "Oh well, he wasn't sleeping after all." Bakugo ripped off the blanket and sat up, "I won't be staying."

I looked away and stayed silent. Bakugo huffed, and left. Nezu sighed, "Oh goodness, so much anger in that young man." I pulled my knees into my chest. I didn't want to talk. For some reason, even after he left, I feel tension between us. What does it mean? Nezu laid a paw at my side and gave me a large grin, "Why don't we get you cleaned up and fed?" I looked down at my clothes and I really need it. I nodded and got off the couch. I followed the white fluffy being out of the main building and towards the back of the campus. I looked around in awe, "This place truly is huge." Nezu laughed, "Sure is! We only plan on expanding. Creating and making the best for our students!" I tilted my head, "So Mr. Principal? Where is the housing?" Nezu pointed dead ahead, "Right there!" My jaw dropped. It was a two story white home that was dressed with some greenery; it looked like it came straight from a rich subdivision. Although, it didn't look like it fit in amongst the modern buildings. He continued, "I understand that it does stick out like a sore thumb, but we wanted these students to feel at home. We did that by making it look like a normal home as much as possible. The inside has even been decorated. Also, all personal toiletries can be provided during school hours. Just make sure you schedule ahead of time with your home room teacher for the delivery." My brain began to spin from all the information he was spitting back at me. I held up a hand as we neared the front door, "Um, just how much is all of this gonna cost me?" The principal turned back, a slight smile, "Nothing." Now my brain is imploding, "What do you mean, nothing?" He laughed, "Oh dear Nozomi. Akira made sure that you wouldn't have to pay a dime. She actually left a fund for you, just don't go spending it all at once. It's supposed to last you your entire time at UA." I felt my heart throb. Akira.

He patted my leg, "Well, I had the police pack the things from your room and bring them here. If you're missing anything please let me know.-" I interjected, "Actually, I'm pretty confident it was missed. There was a picture of me with Akira in her room-" He held up a hand, "Not to worry. I know the picture. I specially requested to keep an eye out for pictures amongst the house. I wanted you to decide if you wanted to keep them." I bowed my head, "I'm sorry. Thank you for all your kindness." He smiled, "Of course. After you shower and clean up, feel free to head to the lunch room. After that, we'll further discuss your direction with UA." I nodded, "Thank you Mr. Principal." He walked off, so I'm assuming I can let myself in? I reached for the knob and pushed the door open. Immediate chaos ensued. I heard a crash and hollering.

"Oi, you fucking wazzock! Look at what you've done."

"Me!? You're the one who's always leaving your 'toys' out to be knocked over and stepped on. You know better than to leave anything on the tail level."

"Guys, can you guys chill for once? I'm trying to keep up on stats."

I peek through the door and see three guys bickering in a living room. Once I stepped inside and closed the door, all fighting ceased. Wide eyes turned on me and I felt my ears burn. I sheepishly waved a hello. A guy who looked like he stepped out of steampunk magazine waved a finger, "Who's this absolutely smashing young lady?" I blushed trying to speak before a tall humanoid monkey shrugged, "I have no clue. Maybe a transfer?" The third man pulled his gaze up from his laptop, running his hand through dark brown hair, "I believe this is one of the first year's the principal was talking about late last night." The other two made a unified, "Oooh." I finally was able to jump in. I bowed lightly, "Hello, my name is Nozomi. I'm one of the students of the first year class. I'm unsure which classroom I'll be assigned to but it's a pleasure to meet all of you." The third boy gave a cheeky grin, "Wow, so polite." In a flash the second boy jumped from across the room and held out his hand. He leaned in, using his other hand to prop him up, "The name is Alfonso. I'm from a small village in Brazil. Class 2-B." I looked into his light brown eyes and his nose twitched. I tried to stifle a laugh and shook his hand, "Nice to meet you Alfonso." The steampunk kid lifted the goggles on his face to reveal piercing yellow eyes, "You prat! Back off will you?! You'll scare the poor thing." The monkey groaned while walking away, "Get off my back. Nothing wrong with introducing yourself, Elric." He flopped onto the bean bag in the opposing corner. Elric went back to tinkering on the strange machine on the coffee table and didn't say another word. The most normal of the three, set the laptop aside and stood. He walked over and held out a hand, "Forgive these two. Alfonso acts like he's never seen a girl and Elric seems to have no interest in people. My name is Benjamin. You can call me Benji or Ben. I'm in class 3-J. It's nice to meet you, Nozomi." His eyes were purple and sparkling, which had me intrigued. I shook his hand, "Nice to meet you Senpai." He blushed and waved as he was brushing off the statement, "Please, no need. Just call me Ben." I nodded a little confused.

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