Chapter Eight

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It was a long walk. Exhaustion was constantly fighting for control but I forced my eyes open as much as I could. I tried to focus on the things around me as we entered the main building. Nothing much to look at while we walked down long corridors, so I searched beyond the windows. It was finally dark outside and the moon shone brightly. Its light scattered amongst the surrounding trees, even making the ground look a pale blue. The moon's light made me realize how dark the hallways were. I looked at the man and dog that walked in front of us. They spoke in hushed whispers. I couldn't make out anything they were saying but they would occasionally look over their shoulders at me and Bakugo.

We took a right, starting a trek up the stairs. I lost my window view so I looked up at Bakugo. The moon's light painted him in a blue hue, but his eyes still burned a fiery red. He has been carrying me all this time and it doesn't look like he's broken a sweat. If anything, he looked on guard. You could hear it in his tone when he finally spoke, "What're you looking at, dumbass?" I sighed, essentially giving up. I let my head drop against his chest and shoulder, "I'm tired." Nezu spoke up as we topped the stairs, "Do not fret. We're here." There stood tall double doors. The tall man with black hair wasted no time in opening them. He gestured for us to walk in. Bakugo hesitated, but grit his teeth and carried me in.

Upon entry, the room looked like how you'd expect a classical office from the 19th century would look. Shelves line both walls, filled to the brim with books. A mahogany desk sat center, backed close to the window. There were two chairs and a couch carefully placed in the middle of the room. Nezu pointed to the couch, "You can set her there." Bakugo let out a curt "tch" but he gently set me down on the couch. The couch was plush and comfortable under my aching body. Upon the instant relief, I must have zoned out for a few seconds. When I realized, I dialed back in just in time to hear Nezu say, "Mr. Aizawa and I need to make a few phone calls. Would you look after her, Bakugo?" Bakugo shoved his hands in his pockets, growling, "Do you know what time it is? The old hag is gonna kick my ass if I don't go home soon." Nezu smiled, "I assume, you're talking about your mother. We'll make a call for you." Bakugo sat on the thought, before snapping his head away, "Tch. Fine." Mr. Nezu nodded, "Very well. Mr. Aizawa." The man nodded and followed behind the fuzzy white creature into the hallway, making sure to close the double doors behind him.

I suddenly felt lonely and afraid again. Instinctively, I reached out and tugged on Bakugo's jacket. His eyes snapped to me, analyzing me shortly before rolling his eyes, "Whatever it is, no." My eyes began to water, and my voice began to shake, "Ka-chan, please." I pat down on the couch next to me. He groaned, "Fine." My heart lurched. Too impatient for him to sit down, I yanked on his sleeve and tackled him to the couch. I was scared and desperate to feel comfortable; something familiar and normal. He yelped, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" I couldn't speak up. I just wanted to bury myself in his warmth. I nuzzled into his side, wrapping my arms around his waist and tangling our legs together. He fought it, trying to pull my arms and legs off of him, but gave up once he realized I wasn't letting go. He relaxed, "You know! For someone so tired, has too much strength!" His statement gave me a small smile. Bakugo's never-changing attitude made me relax. The weight of his body rest against mine and the sturdy back of the couch made me feel like I was in a warm protective shell.

I swear I only closed my eyes for what felt like a second, but when I opened them I was standing outside the apartment door again. I collapsed in front of the slightly ajar door. I began to cry uncontrollably slamming my fists against the concrete, "STOP! STOP! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" I wailed, "I'm so sorry Akira. I'm so sorry!" I crumpled into a ball on the ground. Squeezing my eyes shut, wishing the memories of Akira's torn-up body away. I whimpered, "Please make it stop." I felt a hand at my shoulder and a sharp tug. I gasped at the sudden movement and snapped my eyes wide open. Bakugo was leaning over me, hands on my shoulders. He looked panicked, "Nozomi?!" I felt the cold streams of tears fall down my skin into my hair. My chest tightened. Memories of the incident protruding into the forefront of my vision. I felt my face scrunch as I tried to hold back the tears, "Ka-chan, please-" I tugged lightly at his shirt, "Please hold me." His eyes widened and his cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. He grumbled, "You're an idiot." He scooped me into his arms as he laid back down on his side, successfully sandwiching between him and the couch again. The swift motion made me tense up, but I relaxed back into his hug, this time resting my face on his shoulder. The tears still flowed, and I continued to sob quietly. After a while, exhaustion gained control over the wheel. I nuzzled further into the crook of Bakugo's neck, still feeling fairly weak, "Thank you, Bakugo. For everything." He sighed, "What was I supposed to do? Watch you crumble before me?" I stayed silent. He barely knows me and he risked a lot helping me. He has no idea how grateful I am. I wish there was something I could do in return. He must be exhausted after today's exams, and especially after carrying me this far. My mind could no longer keep up. I shut my eyes, giving Bakugo a final squeeze as I fell into darkness.

Thankfully, I didn't have a dream this time around. I slowly started to open my eyes, my body was so sore but I was warm. I didn't want to move. The room was dark now. I squint and I see a little bit of Ka-chan's hair. I looked down and we had been provided a blanket? Bakugo stirred and tightened his arms around my waist. I murmured, "Ka-chan?" No response. I could hear his slow breathing so I assume he is still sleeping in. I try to look past his shoulder and see that it's still dark outside. A deep voice spoke out from the darkness, "Nozomi. You're awake." I looked up and the man from earlier was sitting in a nearby chair. I whispered, "Mr. Aizawa?" His eyes glowed red, "You don't have to say anything right now, but tomorrow.. You will have a rough time till school starts. You will have a conversation about everything with the principal tomorrow. Right now, sleep. Bakugo can keep you company till the morning. His mother was understanding and he won't get in any trouble when he finally goes home." I was a little relieved. Memories of last night flashed in my vision again. Trying to stay quiet, "Mr. Aizawa. Akira-" He sighed, "The police went back to the apartment and found her body. Someone broke in and attacked her. She's dead, Nozomi." My heart shattered. Tears started flowing uncontrollably, while my last memories of her face appeared before me.

"Nozo-mi. I- love- you.."

I sobbed. I knew it. She died in my arms but I wanted to believe so desperately that she wasn't dying and that she could be saved. I was too late. It's all my fault. Bakugo cupped the back of my head. I couldn't see his face but his voice was strong, "Stop it. I know what you're thinking." Mr. Aizawa stayed quiet. Bakugo's voice lowered, just barely audible to me, "It's not your fault. I don't know what you've been through. I hardly know anything about you. I do know that this was outside of your control. You did what you could and what you were told." I clung to Bakugo, my body trembling. Aizawa stood, "Get some rest you two." He left and closed the door behind him. The room fell silent. Ka-chan quietly breathed near my ear. I suddenly became very aware of my body. I started to get up but Bakugo tightened his grip around my waist, "Where do you think you're going?" I breathed, "Ka-chan, I-" He pulled me back down and I squeaked. We laid down, face to face, his hot breath on my face. I blushed uncontrollably. I didn't know where to look and I started to fidget. He grabbed my chin, demanding I stare back into his gaze. I look back into his fiery eyes. He spoke low, "I know you'll have a hard time falling asleep tonight, so just spill it. Tell me your damn life story."

I felt my eyes widened. Where do I even start? I guess I start from the beginning. I started to tell him my life story. From how I started in America as a live experiment to escaping and moving to Japan, about my life up to the sludge attack, to just last night. His expression never faltered, "That explains some things." I rolled up the sleeves of my bloody clothes and went over the scars on my arms, "Yeah, granted. This power wasn't worth the torture on my body." He traced over the scars on my arms as well. My heart skipped a beat and I felt my face flush. I stuttered, "K-ka--ch-chan." He looked at me evenly, "Shut up you idiot." I quieted immediately. He groaned, "You're so dumb-" I snapped, "You don't have to keep telling me that!" He deadpanned, "Apparently I do since you keep doing dumb shit." I sat up, "Why do you have to be so mean? I just shared something so personal that I've never told anyone else before." He quieted and turned to the couch cushion, his voice slightly muffled, "You haven't told Midoriya?" I crossed my arms and huffed, "No. You are the first person I have ever told." Suddenly, I was yanked back down to lay on the couch. I yelped, "Bakugo, stop doing that!" I turned to look at him but he swiftly put his hand over my eyes. I tried to bat it away, "Ka-chan, what're you doing?" His voice was slightly muffled, "Go to sleep, you idiot." I huffed and rolled over, facing the back of the couch. I felt his arms around me again and he pressed against my back. I tensed but his warmth made me relax. My eyes started to flutter. Before my last moments, I whispered, "Good night Ka-chan.."

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