Chapter Six

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Izuku and I exited the auditorium. I stopped after a couple of steps and held up my ticket. I thought back to the presentation.

"Awe. It looks like we didn't get the same examination building. They must have done that on purpose, but it looks like you're with Ka-chan!"

"Look Ka-chan! We're gonna see each other kick butt!"

"Shut up, you damn nerd!"

I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't be able to see Izuku in the exam, but at least I get to see Ka-chan. I blushed and shook my head. That sounds so weird in my head. I mean, I'd like to see his fighting style a bit more. Izuku tapped my shoulder, "Nozo-chan. We have to split here." I looked up and I saw that the road split before us. I sighed, my bummed feelings growing, "Maaan. I really would have liked to see you fight." Izuku laughed nervously, "It probably wouldn't be much to look at, but I'll do my best!" That cheered me up. I patted him on the shoulder, "Yeah! Let's do our best! See you on the flip side!" I couldn't help but run to exams. I know Midoriya probably didn't mean that as a pep talk, but it brought my spirits up. Midoriya always gives it his all, I want to do my best as well!

I saw the familiar blonde amongst the crowd. I made sure to catch up before giant leap onto his back, "Kaaa-chaan!" Caught off guard he shouted, "Get off me punk! What the hell are you doing!?" I slid off and groaned, "Are you nervous?" I completely ignored his questions. He laughed, "Me? Nervous? Like hell." He brought up his hands setting mini explosions as if he was holding firecrackers, "I'm all fired up!" I clapped excitedly in awe for him. I slowed when an idea popped into my head. We started nearing the entrance of the exam building. I looked up and it was huge! We stopped in a large group of people. I stopped and looked at Bakugo, "Hey Ka-chan-" He cut me off, "Why do you keep calling me that?" My eyes widened, a little surprised. I relaxed and answered, "Well, Izuku-" He rolled his eyes and snarled, "Deku? Screw that quirkless wannabe." I paused, shocked. Izuku is quirkless? Is that even true? No way that's true. Izuku has been training so hard with his mentor. There's no way he should take this test if he's quirkless! I shook my head, "Deku? I guess we're talking about different people." He looked irritated and rolled his eyes.

I grabbed his wrist which caught him off guard. He raised his arm trying to shake me off, "Hey! What the hell are you doing!?" I swing and smack his chest, "Knock it off. I need your help so please just let me." His eyes widened and he put his arm back down. He turned his face away so I couldn't see his expression, so I'm guessing this is compliance? I readjusted my grip and decided it would be faster with two hands. I rested my other hand on his shoulder and leaned into it with my forehead. Flustered, he began to react, "H-hey! What're-" "Shut up and hold still dammit. The less you talk the more I can focus." I growled. He stiffened but he at least quieted down. I could feel his sweat underneath my palms and he smelled overwhelmingly sweet. I never noticed before but he kind of smells like burnt candy. In the back of my mind, I felt a click and I let go. Now that I was off of him and he raised his fist, shaking it at me, "Now do you care to explain what the hell was that!?" I gave him a cheeky grin and raised the palm of my hand, suddenly setting off miniature explosions, "You do it like this? Right, Ka-chan?~" His jaw dropped but he still shouted angrily, "How did you do that? I thought your quirk was whatever you did to hold that sludge monster down!?" I held a finger to my lips in a shushing motion and gave him a wink, "Our little secret, 'kay?" Just then, the sound of the horns began and everyone was off like the races. I waved, "See ya later Ka-chan." I began to run through the gate of the examination building but behind me, I heard, "GET BACK HERE YOU PUNK! I WON'T LET YOU SHOW ME UP WITH MY OWN QUIRK!" I winced, "That was supposed to be our secret Ka-chan. You must not keep secrets well." Suddenly Bakugo flashed by me. Arms behind him setting off a series of explosions used to propel him forward. I smirked. If he can do that, I can too!

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