Chapter Nineteen: Alligatus Sanguis

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Yuki's P.O.V

I currently sat in class, my hand moving faster than my brain could honestly process as I stared to the board of notes while I wrote.

Quadratic Formula: x = −b ± √b²-4ac/2a

Distance Formula: d=√(x₁ - x₂)² + (y₁ - y₂)²

Slope Formula: Slope = y₂ - y₁ / x₂ - x₁

I did not even know partly of what I was writing. I wasn't paying attention at all. Although I copied the notes from the board onto my notebook, I did not comprehend one bit of anything I looked at. The letters and numbers soon all jumbled up into one, and my mind was elsewhere entirely.

Yesterday night...was everything I had never wanted to ever happen, happened. (Your name) found out about my...blood donations, if I could call it that, to Zero, and now I just feel icky and as if I was put in a bad light in her eyes. I don't need her judging me, but for some reason it felt as if she was moreso judging Zero instead.

It's not his fault. I offered and he accepted. It's both of ours. I just hope wherever she went off to, since she is not in class today, that she did not tell Kaname of it.

She...she wouldn't do that. Would she?

I can't blame her either for suddenly leaving last night as well.

The whole reveal of Maria being Shizuka Hio, the women who indefinitely brought Zero his greatest sadness and anger was terrible. I thought that if I spoke to her more, and even made a deal with her that she would spare Zero and give him her blood in return to save him on my request.

I thought that by talking to her, that I could get the real story and be of help to him finally.

But instead, I was in the way. I was protected, as I always am.

My hand clutched my pencil a little tighter at the thought as Yori suddenly turned to me.

"Does your hand hurt Yuki? Oh, you're taking ample notes today. Have you finally learned your lesson from your exam grade before the ball and decided to become more studious?"

My hand immediately relaxed on it's hold upon her observation.

I softly let out a laugh, looking to my good friend and roommate as I felt my worry sudden lessen by her jokes.

"Oh-what, this? Oh no, I'm just taking extra notes since Zero is absent. He isn't feeling too well and I want to make sure he doesn't fail is all." I explained as Yori kept her eyes set on me.

"Well, that's nice of you." Yori concluded before changing the subject altogether. "So, did you have a good time at the ball? We all saw you go to the balcony with Kaname. Did you two dance?"

My face immediately reddened as I averted my own eyes away at the memory.

T-they all saw?

Oh boy, no wonder some of the student's keep looking back to me in their desk. They must think I'm abusing my power again!

"O-oh well, yes we danced but he had to leave soon so it was short aha~ It was nothing."

My ginger haired friend watched my reaction intently as she then placed her elbow on the table to run a few fingers through her hair in thought.

"Yeah I know, you left shortly after as well, randomly. -Oh that reminds me, I saw (Your name) and Zero in the garden together when I tried to search for you. I lifted the curtain of the door and saw them talking by the fountain. It looked romantic with all the lights around. What do you think that was about?"

Vampire Knight: Serenade Me (Zero x Reader x Kaname)Where stories live. Discover now