Chapter Fifteen: Know Your Enemy

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Zero's P.O.V

It was the following day that I sat in class now, staring to Yagari. My chin to my palm as I calmly wrote the notes we needed for the upcoming exam. I averted my eyes to Yuki curiosly, staring to the brown of her short straight hair as I watched her write her notes as well.

She said she needed to speak to me after class, so I waited patiently for that time to come, writing down the rest of my notes calmly before blocking out all the needless chatter from the students around.

I suddenly turned my head, looking to the side of where I sat. I looked to (Your name's) empty desk beside me as I clenched my pen in my hand out of frustration.

She should be back by now. Tomorrow is the exam, why would that bastard Ichijo take her so close to exam preparation week? How annoying.

He had no right to take her at all really, she's no toy soldier for him to wind up and aim to anyone he needs eliminated. He's just an aristocrat vampire, he should let the Hunters do the elimination missions instead.

I let out a small exhale as I then looked down to my notes half written before I began to finish the sentence I had copied down.

My thoughts slowly began to circle back to the events in which transpired just recently.

I...still can't believe Yuki accepted me for being what I am so outrightly last night. I did not know she was also there that night to witness Shizuka's words. I feel ashamed for letting her hear them all. Yuki should not be dragged in the middle of this to know this information. She could get hurt...

I mean- she basically already got hurt as is with letting me drink her blood to gain control.

I can't do that again.

Tch... I'm disgusting. I should have never have done that at all.

"Alright, class is dismissed early. Be sure to take this time to study for the exam tomorrow morning. Remember, if your class shall fail you all will be the hosts of that ball coming up." Yagari suddenly spoke, pulling me from my thoughts as I looked up calmly.

I watched as the students then left one by one as I then stood to also leave a moment later after closing my journal and setting it in the desk pocket to leave.


My eyes looked to whom called me. Yagari stood from his desk, walking to me to then hand me an envelope with the stamped Vampire Hunter's Association seal on the back as I took it calmly.

"Another one?" I asked as he then gave a nod, not saying more on the subject as to the few students whom were still around to depart the classroom.

I put the envelope in my pocket, moving to then walk out of his class as I was then met with the brown soft orbs of Yuki, waiting patiently for me.

"So Zero, do... you wanna study tonight for the exam tomorrow? I was meaning to ask you but Professor Yagari would had gave me detention for speaking out in class probably."

Oh, this is what she wanted to ask?

"Actually, Yagari just gave me this." I took out the letter calmly, showing her the seal as her eyes then darted to abbreviation of, V.H.A on the wax. "So, I am not sure how long it will take but I will try to make it back before it is time for bed. You should study regardless in the Headmaster's house. If I make it back in time, that is where I will go."

Watching me put the letter away, she then gave me a small nod with a gentle smile.

"Okay then Zero, be safe on that mission. I'll see you tonight hopefully~" She grinned happily, walking off to the staircase to leave as she gave me a final wave.

Vampire Knight: Serenade Me (Zero x Reader x Kaname)Where stories live. Discover now