Chapter Five: St. Xocolatl's Day

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(Third Person) P.O.V

It was the following morning that Yuki reached her arms up above her head in class to stretch, a yawn making it's way out of her mouth as her ginger haired friend, Yori, looked to her curiously.

"Not enough sleep again huh?"

Hearing her friend, Yuki softly laughed.

"Aha~ yeah, just a little..." Lowering her arms to then touch the back of her head sheepishly, a smile then etched it's way onto her features subtly.

"You returned to the room later than usual last night. Oh...I see, you were making chocolates." Yori stated, gathering her thoughts on the matter together as she looked to her brunette friend.

"Well aha- that's actually what I planned to do. But I messed it up, so I ended up having to buy these haha~" Yuki raised a small dark green box, held in the palm of her small hand that was laced with a tight yellow ribbon accompanied by a bow.

Upon seeing the box, Yori knit her brows together lightly.

"Oh...I see."

In seeing Yori's reaction did Yuki then bow her head in embarrassment, placing her cheek upon her wooden desk as she lightly groaned.

"Ughh... I'm such a loser when it comes to these sort of things..."

Having class been dismissed time later did the students all being to file out to leave, one after the other many rushed to get their gifts for their private holiday today for them. Yuki still keeping her cheek rested on her desk spoke to Yori as the students hustled about.

(Your name) sitting in the back with Zero gathered her paper work into her folder as she then looked to the silver haired boy.

"You've been awfully quiet today, and hey you didn't fall asleep in class today. Congrats." Placing her hand upon Zero's shoulder did she move it down towards his shoulder blade to pat his back lightly but jokingly.

Hearing this, Zero displayed a very subtle but amused smile upon his lips, "I must return my congrats to you then, after all you weren't late to class today as well." Zero backfired to her as the (Hair Color) haired girl then narrowed her eyes, moving her hand away from his back as if burned by his words.

"I am only late because I am not a morning person." She retorted, standing up as she took her belongings with a small smile also displayed on her lips. "Are you coming?"

Looking to her, he then nodded, standing up as the lavender eyed boy watched the students hurry to leave out the room.

"I wanna see Idol! -Oh I mean Aido!"

"We gotta hurry before the Disciplinary Committee comes!" The many girls spoke as Zero then looked to (Your name) calmly.

Taking a deep breath as he awaited the torture to come them all, he then exhaled to then speak.

"Let's go then."

Nodding, the (Hair Color) haired girl proceeded to walk out towards the exit of the classroom. Having Zero follow her suit, Yuki then picked up her head seeing them leave as Yori also turned, seeing the pair walk out.

"H-hey wait up-!" Yuki shouted as she quickly gathered her things to scramble out of her desk to leave. "Aha~ Bye Yori!"

"Good luck Yuki." Yori softly smiled seeing her brown haired friend trail along with her Committee members to leave as she then stood herself to get ready to go.


Yuki's P.O.V

Following (Your name) and Zero out of class, I had watched the windows as we walked passed. The sun was still out but going down soon, the clouds changing color and the sky darker as we walked along the halls.

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