Chapter Eight: Birthday Parties and Shotguns

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(Your name's P. O. V)

Me and Zero were currently in Headmaster Cross' office, early in the morning. After that day of reuniting with Zero and saving him from himself, Zero came to me sometime later to tell me that he has spoken with Headmaster Cross.

There was a way to control him, but the process of it would be hurtful towards Zero if he ever did switch to wanting to attack with his blood lust. That discussion led to us now currently being here in the Headmaster's office as he gathered his things to commence in the way he was going to help Zero control his urges.

Cross gave Zero a small ceremonial blade to cut his finger, letting the small droplet pool to the top as he then had Zero press his finger again to the print of a ring. The blood dripped into the diamond shaped metallic face of the ring, embedded with a design in the middle of the print. The blood in return caused the middle of that print to glow a slight red pigment, spreading the blood around each crevice of the design fully as the glowing then faded a moment later to my surprise.

Cross gestured for me to bring my hand forth as he then slipped the ring to my first finger on my right hand as I preferred the spot there. I had looked to the grey ring, the small diamond shape of the head of the ring had that nice design as I then looked up to Cross as he spoke.

"This is an ancient spell used by Vampire Hunters long long ago. This method has been used to tame an unruly vampire, keeping them tethered to reality with a shock it emits as it will immobilize them for a moment. (Your name), the ring I gave you works as a reinforcement with Zero's tattoo. It is almost the same way as your Vampire Hunter weapons work." There was a small pause before he'd continue his explanation.

"If any other vampire picks up your weapon, it should shock them and cause some pain. This ring, once pressed against the person to whom the blood upon it belongs to, will be shocked but not to the death, it will just henceforth paralyze them to be unable to move until a recovery. This method is just enough to wake Zero up and out of his faze and to make him come back to his usual self without too much pain."

I had looked to my ring once more, then back to Zero as I observed his tattoo upon his neck, understanding the gist of this spell work.

"Zero's blood that dripped onto the ring only works because it is his blood. Any other vampire or even person will not experience any shock touching the ring, it only works for Zero." Cross clarified as I then softly nodded.

"Would you like to see a demonstration?" He asked the both of us as Zero then stared to me.

"I think if Zero is fine with it, sure." I spoke as Zero in return just gave a small nod.

"Alright then, just press your ring's print against his tattoo. It will act as a sort of lock and key once the ring is against the crest."

Looking to Zero, I then lifted my hand to press my ring's print forward towards his neck. There was a small reddened shock emitting as I then finally pressed the ring against his tattoo.

There was a small burst I can see within Zero's body as he stepped immediately back to fall. A surge of red electricity going through the current of his body quickly as he groaned, staying still upon the floor now as he panted with the pain as I saw his face contort to display.

"Gah-" He voiced, keeping his brows knitted together as I watched him take easy breaths upon the floor, having the slight pain and red current already leave his body.

"Oh goodness, is he going to be okay?" I asked concerned as Headmaster Cross just gave a smile and a nod.

"He will be perfectly fine, do not worry. This will just immobilize him for the time being and he will soon regain his senses if he ever shall try to attack any other person. You must be careful to use this (Your name), this is vital to Zero learning how to control himself." Cross stated as Zero soon stood up, already feeling better after a moment of rest. "Kaname has only agreed to let Zero stay in the Day Class under the provision that this will help Zero control himself."

Vampire Knight: Serenade Me (Zero x Reader x Kaname)Where stories live. Discover now