Chapter Twenty: Unfiltered Truth

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(Third Person) P.O.V

The numerous books under his reach laid sprawled out around his desk, couch and bed where she lay soundly asleep upon. The few straight piles of paper and printed knowledge upon the floor had been cracked open and skimmed thoroughly before discarded away in other piles for his search.

Looking for the umpteenth time did he roam his wine colored eyes around the sentences to see if anything that was documented within the past time of vampires and humans could possibly provide him aid.

There was the clasp of the book shutting in his palm before a small knock then resounded at his door.

"Kaname, it's me." Takuma voiced, opening the door slowly to come in with five more books stacked on his arm against his frame to help provide aid for his Dorm President's search of whatever answers he needed.

Takuma had long noticed the sleeping girl on his friend's bed, her head turned gently as the sight of the cover rising and falling was present to the blond to then close the door softly behind him with a click.

"Kaname, are you ready to tell me what is going on?"

Kaname in return looked to his friend, as if half proposing if he should even trust to tell the events of what happened to him. Setting the book he had in his palm down, he then made the decision to do so, knowing Takuma was in fact loyal to his very bones. Before speaking, he then gave his gaze a once over to look to the sleeping girl resting on his bed.

"(Your name) tonight, has done something beyond comprehensible recklessness. And I...have done so too."

Setting the five added books down aside on the floor did Takuma stay quiet to signal his listening to the brunette. His eyes focused to the Pureblood as thoughts ran quickly about as to what could have occured.

"(Your name) established a blood bond with the fool, Kiryu, to save him from his final hours before transforming into a Level E. But, she ultimately established it wrong. She shared blood and in return took in his, making her linked to him and in which this was happening, he was of course undergoing his lapse to Level E in a terribly pained way. Being linked now, she underwent his pain fully unprepared. She could have very well died." A silence endured before he would then continue.

"I made the choice to save her, linking myself to her but, she already had Kiryu's blood in her stream and I'm afraid that made me linked to him, or more so vice versa now. I cannot find anything to break it. It has never been documented before to tie a Pureblood's blood to a human and to a near Level E's."

Takuma was at loss of words, from the very beginning of his friend's talk did he not have a reply formed of what to possibly say. His jade eyes stood focused to his friend, thoughts encircling his head as he then darted his soft eyes to (Your name) asleep on the bed still.

"I...have never heard of such a thing either. Kaname, you shared your blood with her, did she not wake up then?"

"No, she underwent more pain as I realized my blood could have worsened the effects of what she was already undergoing being linked to Kiryu. My blood could not heal her. It was a risk in the first place to share my blood in the hopes it could heal. A Pureblood's blood shared to a human has the probability of either healing or further inducing pain to them. It could act as a poison, and last night it did. When I understood my blood could not heal her, I made the decision to link myself to her but, unbeknownst before, it linked me to him as well."

"This has never been heard of... But, I am beyond relieved to hear her dear life was saved by you but, I have no idea where to begin to see if this...trio linkage could be broken. I thought blood bound spells could only be performed during certain periods and at that, I haven't heard of a blood bound spell being formed since even of war times as I've studied before. How did she even know of where-"

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