Chapter Two: Meet and Greet

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Third Person P.O.V

"The effectiveness of the blood tablet, which you all managed to develope has been very impactful and has been accepted ultimately worldwide. You all are not just the pride of this school, but also of the entirety of the vampire realm." The vampiric professor spoke to the Night Class, having his dark eyes wander aimlessly from student to student as he then sat down, opening a book to then adjust his glasses. "Continue reading for the remainder of the class, we will discuss these later chapters tomorrow."

Hearing this and the words earlier, Ruka placed her soft hand upon her cheek to rest as she softly sighed to mutter some incoherent words to anyone not close enough to hear.

"It's not that big of a deal."

"All we did was take part in some group study." Akatsuki having heard her comment then added as he sat next to the sand colored haired girl. His own eyes glided over the shapeless forms of words upon his book as he gave a short sigh. "So boring."

Gritting his teeth, Aido knit his golden eyebrows together, narrowing his iced eyes as he scribbled and scratched away a sketch in his notebook of Zero. "I really hate that guy- who does Kiryu think he is anyways? Grabbing Dorm President Kuran like that." He asked himself as Ruka then turned around upon the mention of Kaname's family name.

"Hm?" Ruka lifted her lips to smile in an amused manner as she then stood to walk behind her desk to Aido's. Placing her hand on his notebook she then lifted it away from him to present it more towards her view. "What's this?" She asked as she then placed one hand on her hip looking to the sketch. "Well now, this looks to me the doing of someone in love." Ruka then softly laughed as Aido raised his brows in surprise of her words.

"What?! I would destroy that Disciplinary Committee in a second if they'd just let me-!"

"-Yes but-" A voice intervened as they both looked to see the burgundy haired boy named Senri speak. "-they do have that girl and she...looks quite delicious." His soft cream blue eyes found it's way back to meet Aido's as he then spoke again. "And...they also have that new girl too, she also seems rather irresistible. Or- I speaking too informally of your friend...Takuma?" He concluded next guiding his eyes back to the green eyed student focused on reading his manga as he was leaned against a wall with a window, having the moonlight creep in against his back and hair. He stood next to Kaname who remained sitting as his own eyes were transfixed within his book as his ears were of the conversation of his class peers as he chose not to respond.

That fact of him being to relatively close to a human student was a bit taboo, so acknowledging her right now in the conversation would not be well.

Feeling a sense of silence rest in the room, the professor stood to then leave. "Class dismissed." He spoke, taking his leave out the door as the wooden doors shut with a thud to reverberate through the dimly lit classroom.

"Shiki." Takuma spoke, closing his book to place on the ledge of the window sill as his attention turned to the burgundy haired boy.

"Hmm?" He replied dully.

Before any issue could come up, a voice intervened.

"Time to feed." An orange haired girl sitting on top of a desk infront of Senri voiced to then take two tablets to toss them to Senri's mouth as he knowingly looked to the tablet in the air to catch as he then swallowed them. "Thank you Rima."

Closing his book, Kaname then stood as Takuma then grabbed his own book to begin leaving to follow his friend Kaname.

Looking to the chestnut haired male, Ruka spoke, "Lord Kuran...I've noticed that you seem awfully interested in... that girl." Ruka's toffee colored eyes stared to Kaname's as he then turned giving her his attention. "Is there a reason for it?"

Vampire Knight: Serenade Me (Zero x Reader x Kaname)Where stories live. Discover now