10//Going Home//10

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So quick recap on my mistakes, Tom Riddle is ur father, and Bellatrix IS NOT, I repeat, IS NOT YOUR MOTHER. I MADE A MISTAKE.

On with the story...

"So term's ended, who's house are you going to visit?" Cedric asked was the three of you were walking down to the carriages so they can take you to the platform.

"I don't know, I have a few family matters this holiday. I might not be able to come visit either of you." You said.

"Aaw." Draco pouted.

"Yeah, sorry." You said and sighed.

You weren't in the greatest mood, no surprise there. Your father was going to pick you up.

Probably not him personally but with whoever he's living is going to come pick you up.

During the whole train ride you kept spacing out, thinking about what it was going to be like living with your father again.

You knew you were going to get the dark mark during this holiday. So yippee.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Cedric asked as he watched you space out, looking totally depressed, for the thousandth time.

"Nothing, I'm fine." You said.

"Y/n, talk to us." Draco said putting a hand on yours.

"I lied to you guys about something really big. I technically didn't lie to you guys if I didn't tell anyone." You said and sighed.

"What is it?" Cedric asked.

"I can't tell you." You said, sighing.

The train came to a halt and you got up and walked off the train with Draco and Cedric following closely.

"I'll see you guys next term. Cedric you figure out what that egg means okay?" You said.

"Yes, mum." Cedric said rolling his eyes playfully.

You shook your head and gave him a tight hug. He kissed you on the top of your head.

You two pulled away and Mr and Mrs Malfoy approached you three.

"Hi, Mr and Mrs Malfoy." You said politely.

"Hello Y/n," Lucius greeted.

"I'll see you next term." You said to Draco, who smiled and nodded.

"Actually, Y/n is coming home with us." Lucius said and you turned to him with eyebrows furrowed, "Your father is waiting for you there."

Your eyes widened and you turned to Draco who had the biggest and the most excited grin on his face.

"Ha! She's with me this holiday!" Draco said to Cedric who rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"As long as she writes to me, than I'm happy." Cedric said before pulling you in for another hug and then letting go. He kissed you on the cheek before waving and walking off to find his father.

"You alright there, N/n?" Draco asked as he noticed you've gone completely pale.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You said.

"Let's get going." Lucius said and you two followed him.

On the way, Draco intertwined your fingers with his. "Everything's going to be alright. I know you're having family problems but I'm sure everything will be fine." He said.

If only he knew what, or better, who the problem was.

You entered the Malfoy Manor and you looked around to spot your father.

"Draco, before you go. I just want to talk to you." Lucius said.

"Yes, father?" Draco said and you sighed and stepped away slightly, letting go of Draco's hand.

"There's someone very important that's going to be living with us for a while. I need you to be on your best behavior." Lucius said.

"Of course, father." Draco nodded.

"He wants to speak to you and Y/n." Lucius said, "He's in the dining hall."

You nodded and you and Draco walked to the dining hall. You two entered and you felt Draco tense up beside you.

You sighed sadly and looked up from the floor and looked at your father and the other death eaters.

"Y/n, you're finally home." Voldemort smiled and he held his hand out.

You walked over, and on your way there you could feel Draco's confused eyes burn into your back.

"Hello father." You said, not daring to look at Draco, you looked at the floor.

"Draco, is it?" Voldemort said and you looked at him and glared, "I heard you and my daughter are quite close."

"Y-yes sir." Draco stuttered.

"Thank you, I know things were quite difficult for my daughter, living with those L/n's. Maybe they're the reason she's a Hufflepuff. Nevertheless you were there for her and I want to tell you how grateful I am." Voldemort said and you knew he didn't mean any of it.

"Of course sir," Draco said.

"Good! We are going to have a meeting so I expect the both of you to keep quiet and behave." Voldemort said.

"Yes, father." You said.

"Good, now go." He said and let go of your hand.

You walked quickly out of the room and saw Narcissa standing there waiting for you.

"Y/n, dear, your room is next to Draco's. You know, the one you always stay in." She smiled and you nodded before walking up the stairs.

You reached your room but before you could close the door, Draco stopped the door with his foot.

"Y/n, wait." Draco said and he pushed the door open, causing you to step back.

"Draco, not now." You said on the verge of tears.

"That's what you were lying about?" Draco asked, "That your father is the Dark Lord?"

You didn't say anything you just nodded and kept your eyes on your shoes.

"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked.

"I didn't tell anyone. Not even my adoptive parents knew! When they found me as a baby, they had no idea to who I belonged. When we were in our first year, Dumbledore called me to his office and he told me everything. I swore to myself to not tell you or Cedric, I didn't want to put the two of you in danger." You said with tears streaming down your cheeks.

"Oh Y/n," Draco said before he pulled you into a hug and you sobbed into his chest.

"It's going to be alright." He said as he stroked your hair, "Everything's going to be fine."

"I wish everything's going to be fine," you said, "I really wish that."

𝔹𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕣 {𝐂𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨}Where stories live. Discover now