6//Not Her//6

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"So why are we here again?" You asked as you and Cedric followed Professor Sprout into an empty hall.

"I'm going to teach you all how to dance." Professor Sprout said and smiled at you, "Cedric, why don't you choose someone and demonstrate for us."

"You better not pick- Ah fuck you Cedric," You glared as Cedric held his hand out for you. Cedric laughed and looked at you.

"M'lady, would you do the honor of dancing with me?" Cedric said and you chuckled and shook your head but you still took his hand.

Cedric lead you out onto the dance floor and he put a hand on your hip and pulled you closer. You placed one hand in his, intertwining your fingers, you then placed your other hand on his shoulder.

The music started and you two started swaying to it whilst staring intently into each other's eyes.

"You're beautiful." He whispers so that only you can hear.

"Thank you Ced, but I think you're being blind." You whisper.

Ced lifts you up in the air whilst twirling you around and he places you back down on the ground and you starting swaying again.

"You know what they say, love makes you blind." He said.

You smiled at him and then twirled around one last time and falling back into his arms before the music stops.

"Very good, you two. Anyone else want to try?" Professor Sprout asked.

"Professor, is it alright if we go?" Cedric asked.

"Well seeming as you two are perfect dancers then yes of course you may go." She smiled and Cedric grabbed your hand and dragged you out of there.

"Where are we going?" You asked laughing.

"We're going to meet Draco at The Three Broomsticks." Cedric smiled.

"There back table!" You said after you and Ced walked into the pub and tried to find Draco.

You two walked over and you took a seat next to Draco and Cedric in front of you.

"Hey there, Malfoy." You chuckled as you sat down.

"Hey there L/n." Draco said and you chuckled.

"I'm going to get us some butter beers." Cedric said and got up.

"So what did you and Cedric do before you came here?" Draco asked.

"Professor sprout cornered the Hufflepuffs to teach them how to dance. Cedric and I had to demonstrate and then she let us go." You said.

"Oh, was the same as our dance from the other day?" He asked smirking and you rolled your eyes and chuckled.

"You two are going to kill me." You said and chuckled.

"If only you knew how much you are killing us." Draco whispered in your ear and your cheeks started beating up.

"Then show me," You said.

"Not now, love. I'll wait for you in the room of requirement tonight." He whispered and then pulled away before Cedric showed up with three butterbeers.

"So I got me a date for the Yule Ball." Cedric said and you nodded.

"Who is it?" You asked.

"Cho Chang." He said and your heart broke.

"Congratulations, Ced! I'm happy for you, but I am going to leave now." You said and got up.

"Y/n, wait. Why are you leaving?" Cedric asked but you ignored him and left the pub.

𝔹𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕣 {𝐂𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨}Where stories live. Discover now