3//Let The Battle Begin//3

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(Y'all be high on some gilliweed if you think imma let my Ceddy die)

(I also changed the title)

Cedric came back after a while and as soon as you saw him you got up and tackled him into a hug.

"You're the Hogwarts champion! I am so proud of you!" You said.

Cedric chuckled and wrapped his arms around you.

"I thought you would be worried." He said as the two of you pulled away.

"I am worried. But right now I'm more happy and proud than worried." You said and hugged him again.

You pulled away fully and Draco congratulates Cedric by giving him a bro hug.

You three sat down and then enjoyed the rest of your night before going to bed.

Few days later you were with Cedric and Draco in the courtyard, under the tree where you three usually hang out.

Draco was in his usual spot up in the tree and Cedric was on the ground next to you.

"So who are you guys planning on taking to the Yule Ball?" You asked not looking up from what you were doing.

Draco and Cedric looked at each for a brief moment before both of their eyes landed on you.

"We were planning on taking you." Draco said and you looked up af him.

"Why?" You asked.

"Because you're our best friend." Cedric said and you looked at him.

"Yes, but isn't there someone you like as more than a friend? Someone you want to take to the ball?" You asked.

They both had agreed a long long time ago that neither of them would tell you about their feelings but instead if you had feelings for either of them, then they would wait until you tell them.

"Not, really." Draco said and you nodded.

"Okay, well Ced, there are a lot of girls that would want to go with you. If you find one you like then I'll just go with Draco, if he doesn't have a date by then." You said turning your eyes back to your book.

Cedric looked at Draco and glared, Draco noticed and just stuck his tongue out. Cedric rolled his eyes and chuckled before also turning back to his book.

You and Draco were in the room of requirement looking for something to do, because you two were bored and Cedric was busy with his tournament stuff.

"Hey look at this." You said and lifted up a creepy looking doll.

"Ew, put that down you're going to get HIV." Draco said and you burst out laughing and you put the doll down.

You two walked around a little bit more before Draco spoke up.

"Hey," Draco said and you turned around and saw that he was at a record player.

"Oh cool." You said walking over.

You saw a box next to it, full of records so you pulled one out and put it in.

Music started playing and you giggled as you saw Draco bowing down and holding his hand out.

"May I have this dance?" He said.

"Why most certainly," You giggled and took his hand.

Draco stood up and he put a hand around your waist, pulling you closer. You felt yourself blushing a deep crimson red but you just shook it off.

You two started swaying to the music, and Draco let go of your waist and extended his arm and twirled you around before you twirled back into his arms and he dipped you.

But when Draco dipped you, he came down slightly as well and his lips were dangerously close to your neck.

You could feel his hot breath on your neck and your breath hitched as you felt him place a soft kiss on your neck and then he started going up.

Draco reached the corner of your lips and he had pulled you up. You stared into his eyes, your eyes flicker down to his lips.

His eyes stayed on your lips for a few seconds longer than yours did.

Draco leaned forward slowly, preparing to kiss you.

"I'm back!" You and Draco jumped far back when you heard Cedric's voice.

"Follow the music!" You exclaimed, still flustered.

Cedric came into view and you walked over to him, "So how was it?" You asked, trying to get your mind off of what just almost happened.

"Ugh, Rita Skeeter is a pain in the ass." Cedric said and you giggled.

"Of course she is, she's a reporter for the Daily Prophet. Everyone is a pain in the ass that works for the Daily Prophet." You said.

"When you're right, you're right." Cedric chuckled, "Alright Draco?"

You turned to Draco and he was still red and just standing there.

"We were dancing and we both aren't fit. So we're a little out of breath." You said and shrugged.

Cedric said nothing and just nodded, he knew something else happened.

"Well I'm going to be going now. I have to get to get to potions." You said as you grabbed your bag.

"We're still going to study tonight right?" Cedric asked.

"Yes, we will. I think we both need that." You said and chuckled.

You waved goodbye and walked out of the room of requirement.

The whole time to potions, you couldn't stop thinking about Draco's lips on your neck and how they traveled upwards.

You couldn't stop thinking about that almost kiss.

What the hell happened?

Back in the room of requirement, Cedric was looking at Draco.

"What really happened?" He asked.

"Like Y/n said, we were dancing." Draco replied.

"Draco, I know when you're lying."

"I'm not lying, Ced. I'm telling the truth."

"Draco, just tell me!"

"We almost kissed, okay?!"

Cedric looked at Draco with his eyes wide.

"We didn't but it almost happened." Draco said and sighed.

"It's starting." Cedric said and Draco nodded.

"Yeah, but we have to promise that whoever she chooses that we will still be best friends." Draco said.

"Of course, I promise."

Well fuck...

𝔹𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕣 {𝐂𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨}Where stories live. Discover now