8//The Yule Ball//8

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"When are we going to get ready?" You asked Hermione as you sat with her during lunch. Draco was next to you and Cedric was off doing some champions business.

"In an hour, we'll come to your dorm. It's easier considering it's only you that live there." Hermione said and you nodded.

"The ball starts at 7, why do you need 5 hours to get ready?" Draco asked.

"I don't usually take that long to get ready but we still have to do hair and makeup and those things take long." You said and Draco nodded.

"Oh I understand now." Draco said and you chuckled..

"I know you don't but it's fine." You said and smiled at him.

Draco leaned over and kissed your cheek, "What I do understand is that you will look breath taking without even trying." He said and you blushed, "I'll catch you ladies later. I'm helping Cedric out with his potions homework."

"Thank Merlin, better you than me." You chuckled.

"I'll see you later, love." Draco said and placed another kiss on your cheeked before he walked away.

Hermione and Ginny looked at you with the biggest grins ever.

"What?" You asked them.

"Nothing, it's just you and Draco seem to act like a couple." Ginny said and you rolled your eyes.

"We're acting like how we used to, the only difference now is that I know he likes me." You said.

"And you like him too." Hermione said.

You sighed, "Cedric as well." You said.

"What are you going to do?" Ginny asked, "Who are you going to choose?"

"I'm not, I won't be able to." You said.

"You're going to have to, you know that." Hermione said and you sighed and nodded.

"Let's go get ready." You said and got up with Hermione and Ginny following.

Your hair was loose and curled and it reached just above your ass. (if you have short hair just imagine u have longer hair for this fic)

Your makeup was done and you had your dress on. You looked stunning, no words could even describe how beautiful you looked.

"You ready to go?" Ginny asked you and Hermione.

You nodded, "Draco's meeting me in the hall." You said.

"Viktor's also meeting me there." Hermione said.

"Then we can walk together and Ginny can go with her date." You said as you winked at Ginny as the three of walked through the corridors.

You reached the great hall, where the ball was being held.

You and Hermione stepped through the doors and all eyes were planted on the two of you.

Draco and Cedric couldn't take their eyes off of you.

Draco felt like the luckiest man on earth when you walked over to him and took his hand with a smile.

Cedric, on the other hand, felt like an idiot. He knew he made a mistake. He took the wrong girl to the Yule Ball.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." Draco smiled down at you.

"I love the green tie. You look handsome." You smiled.

"I feel like the luckiest guy on earth." Draco said and kissed you on the cheek.

"You better," You said and giggled, "I spent hours on my hair and makeup."

"Like I said earlier, you look breath taking without even trying." Draco said and you smiled, "Let's go dance."

Draco pulled you onto the dance floor and he placed a hand on your hip and intertwined the other with one of your hands while the other was on his shoulder.

You two started swaying to the music and it reminded you of that day in the Room of Requirement.

Draco twirled you around and dipped you before pulling you back up again and the two of you continued to dance.

The song ended and a slow song came on, "May I cut in?" You heard a voice behind you say.

You turned around and saw Cedric. You smiled at him.

"Of course, I'll go and get us some drinks." Draco said before kissing your cheek and walking away.

Cedric placed both his hands on your hips and pulled you REALLY close and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"You look beautiful." Cedric said and you smiled.

"You look handsome." You said and Cedric smiled.

You and Cedric swayed for a few seconds more before he spoke up again.

"I can't do this." He said and let go of you.

"Cedric, what's wrong?" You asked but he ignored you and walked away.

"Cedric wait!" You called after him. You rushed after him and you saw that he walked out into the courtyard.

"Ced, what's wrong?" You asked grabbing his wrist.

"This! Me loving you is wrong!" Cedric snapped turning around and yanking his wrist out of your grip.


"No, it is! Don't try to tell me otherwise. You're clearly in love with Draco. I guess you've already chose."

"She hasn't chosen yet, Cedric."

You turned around and saw Draco and you sighed.

"She clearly has! I see the way she looks at you. Congratulations man, you won." Cedric said and he was about to walk away but you stopped him.

"For fucks sakes! You two are idiots!" You yelled catching them off guard.

"I didn't choose anyone okay? Neither am I going to. I can't. I love you both. I have ever since 4th year. The only reason I was with Harry was to get over my feelings for the two of you but that clearly didn't work! Just when I thought I was over you two something comes and fucks it up!" You said.

"So I'm not going to choose either of you. You are both my best friends and I don't want you two to fight." You said.

"We told you, we're happy with whoever you choose. It might take a while to get over it but we really don't care if you choose the other one. I know I don't act like it but I was just says that you chose Draco. I know I was eventually going to get over it." Cedric said.

"Y/n, you're going to have to choose." Draco said.

You looked between the two of them and then sighed.

"Fine!" You said, "I choose..."

𝔹𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕖𝕣 {𝐂𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨}Where stories live. Discover now