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BACKSTORY TW!! Abuse and more!
Y/N was young and lived with her two parents and older brother in New York City. Her mom did drugs and her dad was an alcoholic, both were abusers. Her older brother was Anthony Ramos and he was the only person who cared about her , if you can't already tell they were super close . But one day Anthony had to leave, he had to go to college, he wanted to go into the theatre and Y/N always believed in him. So Y/N was left with her to abusive parents. She was only 15 and she already had a job. She had serve depression and anxiety and ptsd ( we will get into that later). She cried when Anthony left because he was the one to protect her from getting hit, even though no matter how much he tried she still got hit. She always told her self only 3 more years and she would be able to leave . Little did she know her 18th birthday would be the worse .... Soon Y/N lost connection with Anthony so she was all by herself .
Time skip to her 18th birthday
I woke up and today was my 18th birthday I had already packed a couple days before (I didn't have much so it wasn't hard ) While I was getting ready I heard glass shatter. I didn't know what was going on so I walked out and I saw my mother breaking my grandma's plates which she had given to me before she died . I screamed and ran over to her and tried to stop but she wouldn't stop... "you deserve this you ungrateful child I saw you packing !! Do you really think you will make it out their! You will probably get raped! So don't come crawling back to me when you do" my "mom" said . My "dad" heard yelling so he walked over and made the whole situation worse. I was standing in the door way and when he walked towards he pushed me down on the broken glass plates. I screamed out in pain and he just laughed and said " you think your so grown ! HA! You can't even support yourself and your weak ! Now stop screaming I'm trying to watch the football game!" As soon as he said my "mom and dad" both walked out and my "mom" even kicked me in the stomach but I didn't scream cause I didn't want to get hit.... I had made enough money to buy self and old used car so I loaded all of my stuff into the back and turned it on. I went inside to say goodbye which I didn't even know why I even tried, all they did was shatter more glass almost hitting me and called a disgrace and other things. I finally left I thought ! I LEFT! I was so happy I felt this whole weight get lifted off my chest ! I turned up the radio so I could listen to some songs and I heard my brothers voice ! "Anthony Ramos is here today for a special announcement" it said. Then Anthony started speaking ... " Y/N if your out there I just wanna say happy 18th brithday sis! I know we haven't talked in a while but I miss you ! Where ever you if you are hearing this please come down to the studio ! I miss you and I wanna reconnect! " I started to cry because I haven't heard from him in years ! I started to go to the studio because just maybe my life will get better.... while I'm driving I think about what I'm going to say to him.. I finally arrive.. I'm Hesitant to go inside but I do .. I see a nice lady sitting at the front desk and I tell I'm here to see Anthony Ramos and I tell her I'm Y/N Ramos. She tells me he will be down here in a moment he is working on a song currently. Like 30 minutes pass and I don't think he is coming but then I hear a voice echoing down the hallway ... "Anthony?" I say then I see him ... he stops dead in his tracks and just looks and me .. "Y/N!!!!" I get up and starts running towards me ! He picks me and spoke around ! "I missed you so much I didn't even know if you were alive I was so scared ! I didn't know how to get in contact to you! " he says while he hugging I wince in pain because I have a bruise on my stomach from all the abuse . He notices it and puts me down " are you okay ...?" I respond with " yea.. well kinda... no" I was wearing long sleeves and it accidentally rolled up but I rolled it down before he could see anything ... he takes me his office and we talk I tell about what happen and makes a few calls ... " we need to get you to a doctor to get you checked out " he says .. I don't really want to because then they will find out that I have been cutting... and well then that will be a whole mess..." do I have to I feel fine " I say lying ... he doesn't totally belive me but he lets it be... for now at least....Finally we go back to his house and my god was it nice! I see a women sitting on the couch . "Y/N this is my girlfriend Jasmine! Jasmine this my sister Y/N! " we shake hands and start to talk a little. " so do you have boyfriend" she ask " yes I do I think I might go over to his for the night " I say back to her
" his name is Jason and he is so sweet!" . Anthony looks back at me in shock
" YOU AHVE A BOYFRIEND WHATTT !! My little sister has a boyfriend !" He starts dancing around me and singing
"my little sister gotta a boy friend!!"
"Calm down Anthony!" A few hours pass and I get a text from my boyfriend and it's not the sweetest ...
" you better come to my House little bitch !" I read and start to gather my things and tell them I will be heading out for the night , they say goodbye and I'm on my way and I'm scared to see what's gonna happen at my boyfriend's house... I get there and knock on the Door it immediately opens and I'm pulled inside . He is clearly drunk and tells me
" I wanna fuck" I look at him and I say
"no I'm not feeling well today" he stares at me ..
" did I ask no I didn't!" He says while grabbing my hair and dragging me into his bed room ... he ties me up and makes me drink something which knocks me out ... I wanted to leave ... I was scarred and in pain... he made me do things I didn't want to do... the next morning I woke in so much pain ... I didn't know what to do, should I go to Anthony's .. no I don't want to wake him up. I try to out of bed but I'm still tied, I slowly work out of the ties and go to get changed.

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