The sleepover

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Third person POV
In nekomas gym you can see nekoma and fukordani having a practice match. And as you might've guessed hinata is watching the two teams.

"Hey chibi-Chan look at our team winning~" Kuroo said getting hinata's attention.

"That's awesome kuroo-senpai and kenma! Kuroo your blocking is amazing, and kenma your sets are like PoW and BaM!" Hinata exclaimed.

"T-thanks shoyo." Kenma replied, and kuroo was going on about how he thinks he's hinata's favorite. Bokuto was about ready to go under his emo mode, Akaashi was preparing to deal with bokuto until hinata comes towards the owls.

"Come in guys you're only one point behind let's catch up! Bokuto I know you can do it, you're
awesome cross shots are amazing! Akaashi your sets are very smart and cool in every type of way!" Hinata chirped.

"Hey hey hey! Let's go Aggashii!" Bokuto yelled, Akaashi was low on power but when hinata gave that he felt like his battery charged to 100%.

They match went on and as hinata is a god in every ones eyes, the match fell into a duce and from 37-35 fukorodani won.

"Wahooo hey hinata hey did you see that! Please tell me I'm the greatest!" Bokuto yelled, Akaashi was just happy that they won.....mostly to impress hinata.

"Woah Bokuto that was amazing the last wining shot you just did it was AMAZING!" Hinata exclaimed.

"You too akaashi! You guys are the one of a kind!" Hinata still kept on complimenting the proud owls until nekoma passed by. The nekoma team had a sad and dark aura over them. Hinata ran up and started to cheer them up.

"You guys are really stupid." Hinata started, stabbing everyone in their hearts.

"You can't tell me that you got that butt hurt by fukorodani winning? I know you guys are strong it's kinda like a video game. Kenma, if you don't pass a level what do you do?" Hinata asked.

"I just level up and practice till I defeat the character." Kenma replied.

"Bingo! All you guys have to do is practice so don't get so down, you know I know you can do it!" Hinata finished.

"Yeah! You're right hinata!" Lev yelled while running laps around the gym. Hinata just chuckled as Kuroo tapped his shoulder.

"Meet me in my room in a hour." Kuroo whispered in hinata's ear.

"Umm I'll be there!" Hinata replied, as he walked out to his dorm.

A hour later
Later hinata arrived at kuroo's dorm, hinata was let in and sat himself on the sofa.

"So um what exactly am I doing here?" Hinata asked, Kuroo just had had one word. 

"Sleepover." Kuroo said, proud at himself for not ruining the surprise before he was told to.

"Really!?! Yay!" Hinata exclaimed with joy, Kuroo was just happy watching the crow jump around the room.

A little later you would could find hinata and Kuroo watching TV in the living room, as some of the guest started to arrive. First was bokuto and akaashi.

"Hey hey hey hinata I missed you!" Bokuto said while hugging the tangerine.

"Bokuto-San it's only been a few hours." Akaashi sighed.

Then oikawa and Iwaizumi walked in. "Chibi-Chan what's up!" Oikawa said while walking towards the tangerine that was out of breath yelling with bokuto.

"Shittykawa leave hinata alone before I beat you." Iwaizumi said while throwing oikawa's sleeping bag at him.

"Oww could you be any more harsh!" Oikawa protested.

Little by little more and more people showed up over all the people were. Kuroo, hinata, bokuto, akaashi, shittyka- er I mean oikawa, Iwaizumi, ushijima, tendou, and kenma.

Everyone one got settled in, while bokuto and kuroo got drinks and snacks. Then kuroo got an idea, he told Bokuto and you can just see the smile creeping up on his face. "Yeah let's do it!" Bokuto said.

Hinata was talking with ushijima, while everyone was trying to beat a game level that kenma had mastered at this point.

"Hey chibi-Chan can you give this to oikawa over there?" Kuroo asked hinata while giving him a drink.

"Sure I'll go, oikawa-senpai here this is for you!" Hinata said while giving oikawa the bottle of a mysterious liquid.

"Oh thank you sho-Chan, you love me this much, you shouldn't have~" oikawa purred while chugging the drink.

"*cough* WhAt ThE FuCk Is iN ThAt DrInK!?!" Oikawa yelled while spitting out the drink. He then saw Bokuto and Kuroo laughing in the corner.

"Oh you little shits come back here!" Oikawa yelled while running after the two.

Everyone just laughed while watching oikawa trying to catch up with the two. Hinata then felt a wave of coldness, as he shivered catching ushijima's attention.

"Hey umm shoyo come here." Ushijima said catching hinata's attention, obeying the older ones order's.

Ushijima then pulled hinata to his embrace covering him in his jacket. That caught the attention of everyone else, so in the end you can see hinata with all of the others jackets on top of him.

Hinata felt the warmth of all the jackets and soon fell asleep. Everyone was bummed to see that their ray of sunshine was asleep, but that didn't stop them from giving him a kiss of the cheek saying goodnight.

Hinata then woke up around four in the morning, he then saw everyone asleep and decided to make something to eat.

Hinata made his way into the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea as well as biscuit. Then Iwaizumi and akaashi came in the kitchen as well.

"So you were awake huh." Iwaizumi said as he sat down on a chair.

"I though the same thing when I didn't see hinata in his sleeping bag." Akaashi added to Iwaizumi's sentence.

The two watched hinata eat and finish eating, then they all decided to just watch TV until they felt tired again. Then slowly by slowly people kept on waking up and just watched TV with hinata.

So five in the morning you can just see everyone watching TV while cuddling with hinata ( I would say no homo but like I really can't)

And then bam like that everyone was asleep with hinata. Some people like oikawa and Bokuto swore that they saw hinata in their dreams (I mean like who wouldn't, he's an angel)

The next morning
Everyone woke up and just decided to go back to sleep cause like fuck practice, and hinata's more important because he was sleeping like a baby and no one wanted to wake him up.

That was a little longer that I expected it to be but yeah enjoy! Love you children❤️✌️

Impure Hinata haremTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon