Special chapter Sunahina

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This is for you lauv rinacookies ❤️

Third person POV
"Bathroom~Bathroom~ I gots to pee~" Hinata sang while walking himself to a bathroom at a training camp when we realized that he was lost.

"Huh? Guys?!" Hinata yelled through the hall, there was no answer. Hinata pouted for a second until Suna ran into him.

"OH Suna!" Hinata said looking at the older one, Suna squinted his eyes like how you do when you look at the sun.

"Ah Hinata, what's up?" Suna asked, he ruffled Hinata's hair as Hinata sorta shrugged.

"Um I actually don't know, I have to go to the restroom but I can't find it haha." Hinata said holding his hand on the back of his neck awkwardly laughing.

Suna sighed, he's gotten used to this after it had happened several times in different schools, or tournaments.

"Here I'll take you to the closest one I've seen so far." Suna said holding out his hand, Hinata gladly took it as he lead the lost tangerine to a restroom.

"Hey Suna." Hinata said, Suna looked down to meet the tangerine's face.

"Yeah?" Suna asked, he laughed at the height difference between them.

"You're so nice you know! You always help me in these situations no matter what! That's why I like you!" Hinata exclaimed squeezing their hands together.

Suna blushed and hid his face. "I do like you though, but I'm pretty sure your "like" and my "like"are totally different." Suna thought, he turned the corner to find the restrooms and let Hinata's hand go.

"You should go, I'll wait for you." Suna said, Hinata nodded his head and left, Suna was so thankful that he did wait cause he saw a shady man go inside as well.

"Hmm..." Suna mumbled he couldn't help but mind it but still didn't go in.


"Stop moving you shrimp."

"No stop!"


Suna heard this and didn't think twice before charging inside, he saw Hinata cornered and that man pinning him whispering things in his ear.

Suna ran and punched the guy, he threw him on the floor and continuously kept on hitting him. Not even giving the man a chance to hit back.

Suna got up and kicked the man's stomach one more time before holding Hinata. "Get your fucking disgusting hands off of my Hinata before I kill you bastard." Suna said he spat on the man's face as he got up and ran away.

Hinata held onto Suna for dear life as he hid his face in his chest. Suna gave Hinata as worried look, he's never showed this much emotion in a while.

He check the smaller one for scratches or bruisings but couldn't find any, Suna held Hinatas face with his hand.

"God I'm so happy that you're not hurt. Do you want me to make a police report?" Suna sighed, Hinata's eyes started to well up.

"Once I see that guy again I'm gonna kill him with my bare hands- Suna started, Hinata kissed him, those two words that Suna had said truly made him feel a hundred times better.

Those two simple words.

"My Hinata."

It's Christmas Eve guys! I'm posting this today because I'll be quite busy tomorrow with family so hope you guys enjoyed! Hope you have a great Christmas and have a good day! Bye love you children!"

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