Chapter 29

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When Adelaide came to, a surgeon was prodding her bare side. They had ripped apart her dress and were treating the wound. Adelaide gasped at the sight of the gash - she had always expected blood to be the colour of wine, deep like burgundy; but this was lighter - brighter. She tried to wriggle away from them, eyes frantically taking in her surroundings. They were in a small unfamiliar room, presumably an insignificant room not far from the ball room, it wasn't intended for its impromptu purpose. Adelaide was laying on, what seemed like, a dining table. Another doctor moved round and pressed her shoulders down into its wooden surface.

"Your majesty, you have been shot," he nodded assuringly.

"I'm aware." she retorted dryly.

"The bullet seems to have only scratched your abdomen; it did not embed itself. There isn't a lot of damage." His accent was posh and overly articulate.

Great! I've been given the doctors who only got their jobs because their daddy has a fancy name. She thought, I hope they gave Louis surgeons who are somewhat competent. Oh God, Louis.

Adelaide squirmed under his grasp. "Where's Louis?" she shouted, louder than she needed to.

The doctor looked to his colleague sheepishly.

"Don't look at him, look at me! If you don't tell me where my husband is, right now, I'll banish your entire family faster than you can say- Ow!" she winced, the doctor at her side was cleaning the wound and it stung. Hard.

"I'm sorry, but I do not know where His Majesty is," he stuttered in panic.

She gripped his collar yanking his face towards hers. "Well you go found out and tell me what's happening." she let go of him and he cowered out of the room. Adelaide hoped her frenzy would be excused by the bleeding injury. She dropped her head onto the wooden board, squeezing her eyes shut.

Whilst they dressed her wound, she heard the door open again. She tipped her head back to see who it was - Lenoir. She rested her back on the table, eyes examining the gold moulding on the ceiling.

"Talk to me,"

"We're questioning the assailant now. We don't know much yet, but he's Russian. The weapon is also very expensive." he listed the information of, matter of facility.

"How expensive?" the cogs in her brain were ticking.

"Expensive enough to assume he was sent from high up,"

"Are you saying what I think your saying?"

"We believe either the Russian government or the royal family sent an assassin. If were correct, we can expect an attack to the colonies any day now," he said grimly.

"Prepare the islands for an attack and draft a letter to the Austrians and the Dutch, tell them were sending troops their way. Don't send the letter until you've confirmed it." the doctor leaned back in his chair finished. Adelaide stifled a groan as she sat upright.

"That's what we were planning, I just needed your permission." his wiry moustache twitched.

"Why did you ask me? Surely you should have gone to Louis?" She asked locking eyes with him. There were two possible answers to this question; 1- the advisors trust her more in making a sound decision, 2- Lenoir was unable to speak to Louis, for whatever reason. The thoughts that had been cycling Adelaide's mind were now biting at her stomach.

Lenoir's face stiffened. "Louis was shot just below his shoulder, they managed to get the bullet out, but the wounds infected. Currently, the doctors are unsure of what will happen."

"Unsure?" she shouted. "Is he dying?" The lump in her throat dislodged making her voice wobble.

"Adelaide, he will be fine," A glimpse of sympathy peered out from behind the professional curtain Lenoir was famous for upholding.

"I need to seem him," she jumped off of the table. Her hip buckled from under her, Lenoir managed to catch her hands before she fell.

The doctor placed his hand on her shoulder. "You need to rest,"

She shrugged the men off silently. She glanced at them darkly and hobbled out of the room.

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