Chapter 27

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It was dark, Adelaide moved quickly through the wide, extensive corridors. She paused for a second, the hairs on the back of her neck pricking. She continued her path. It wasn't as if she was walking, it felt more like floating, or perhaps sliding. It was cold. What was she wearing? She looked down to see a black lace dress. She was now in the hall of mirrors, powering down the hall she took no notice of the golden chandeliers. It was silent, out the windows the garden thrashed against itself. She was sweating, small beads of moisture were forming on her forehead.

Adelaide stopped at the door, the candle she was holding glowed and flickered a small yellow light. She turned slowly to look at the mirror. Her smooth skin was as white as bedsheets. She placed her hand on her uneasy stomach, her face stood stoic - scared to express a hint of emotion. The sound of high-pitched murmurs struck into existence, she glanced round to see no one there. The ground shuddered beneath her, her jaw clenched, her breathing tightened-

In the mirror, Gwen stood next to her. Her face was grey, her hair fell loose round her shoulders.

Adelaide looked to her side, there was no one there. She glanced back at the mirror; Gwen stared back. She yanked at Adelaide's sleeve, examining the lace, she moved her mouth as if she were talking but nothing came out. Although the dress was plain black and featured no jewels, it was sparkling. Gwen reached up and turned Adelaide's face straight, her fingers were as cold as snow - smooth like stone. Her grip on Adelaide's jaw was painfully tight, her heart thudded in her ears.

Their two faces gleamed like twin moons.

the most powerful women on the continent, where we rightfully should be.

The large doors creaked open. Gwen dropped her hand. Adelaide stood facing the empty eyes of skeleton guests. Fear struck throughout her system; a storm churned in her stomach. She took several deep breaths and began her parade down the chapel. Passing by the squared columns, she reached the gold elaboration. She was met by a priest, his sunken face showed disgust. Instead of a bridegroom there was a wooden box. She dropped to the floor, tears flowing down her cheeks. There was someone kneeling next to her. Louis. He wore black, the same as her. His brown eyes were saturated, his face was ashen. He opened his mouth but before he could say anything Adelaide lungs erupted in a piercing scream.

"Adelaide?" Louis looked down at her. She woke up breathing heavily. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she stated too quickly.

"You look pale." he placed the back of his hand on her forehead.

"It was just a bad dream." she quivered.

"Come here," his voice was silvery and gentle.

She pressed herself into him. "Thank you,"

"You're okay," he added, stroking her hair.

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