Chapter 24

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It was the early hours of the morning in the Vienna palace. His majesty Emperor, Francis Hapsburg the second, and his wife, Sophia, were asleep in their rooms. The Archduke Joseph was on a trip in Milan. His wife Gwendolyn was awake in her apartments, she had was seven months pregnant and was frantically writing a letter, begging her husband to return. His siblings, the Princesses Brida and Catherine and Prince Leopold were in their beds. Princess Francesca was in the nursery, a nurse sat on a chair beside her. At approximately 2 o’clock in the morning a guard on patrol knocked over a candle setting aflame a curtain, after failing to stop the fire, the flames spread quickly. Soon many of the surrounding apartments were engulfed in the inferno, this included the apartments of all the members of the royal family and the rooms of many notable courtiers. Luckily, her majesty Gwendolyn, being awake at the time of ignition, had managed to escape the smouldering palace. As dawn broke, the smoke of the flames still swirling across the sky, it was discovered that none of the other family members (except from baby Francesca who had been saved by the nurse) had been victims to the devastation. It took several days for the news to reach, the now king, Joseph. He was in the middle of an engaging dinner with his long-time friend, Quintino, when the messenger arrived. Joseph was said to have leapt out of his seat when hearing the news, running straight to the stable and mounting a horse. Unfortunately, a terrible storm had gathered over him. He was found at the side of a back road four miles away from Milan two days later. He had been thrown from the horse and broken his neck.

Expecting her husband, the horrendous news reached Gwendolyn whilst she was held up in the townhouse of a reputable Count. Under the shock of the haunting events, and the horror of the earlier tragedy the Queen went into labour, a few hours later she gave birth to a dark haired king. She was declared Queen regent. In a fit of grief and rage she called a meeting with the politicians, she demanded an attack on the northern Italian provinces – declaring that Prince Quintino had cursed the family. This command was followed, this aggression sparked numerous battles along the border. The two countries had become engaged in a bloody, ruthless war.

Louis walked by Adelaide's side along the long hall, he adjusted his long strides so that they could stay at her pace.
"I think its about to rain," she glanced out the windows, her face drooped.
"You always look so concerned," he remarked.
"When it rains, you always give a little pout," Louis shoved his hands into his pockets.
"Shut up!" she smiled, nudging his torso.
"Alright," he grinned.
They where close to the doors when a man with greying hairs tunnelled in front of them.
"Your majesty..." he gasped in a few breaths, attempting a bow. "You need... Please... Come with me." he wheezed a cough.
"Lenoir, it's a Sunday morning, I'm going to church. I'm sure whatever radical republican grumble pamphlet you've got can wait till we've finished the  Lord's prayer." Louis said calmly, with an air of exacerbation.
"Are republican pamphlets something that that comes to your concern often?" she looked at Louis's red faced advisor.
"I wouldn't bother worrying about it, just a bunch of loud mouths having a moan," he joked nonchalantly. "Lenoir I will see you after the service." He went to take a step but Lenoir placed both arms up blocking his path.
"Sir this is of the utmost urgency," he said.
"Oh come on, what is it if its that important?" Louis groaned.
Lenoir flashed his eyes round himself “I can’t say here, but I need you to come”
"Fine," he exhaled sharply. "Adelaide, you go ahead," his face was turning grey.
"Alright,” she smiled reassuringly, but a deep worry had settled in her belly. ”find me afterwards, will you?”
“Of course,” Louis replied grimly.
“I’m sure everything will be fine.”
He nodded, biting his lip. He trailed after Lenoir at a quick pace, Adelaide watched as they made there way down the hall, there quick walk transformed into a jog.

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