Chapter 3

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"Your Royal Highnesses, we are gathered in the tradition of our forefathers for our quarterly meeting," Augustine proclaimed, he stood at the end of a long table, like a priest addressing a congregation. "With the -long- overdue arrival of Princess Adelaide we can now commence our meeting," he gestured a hand towards her.

"If you're just going to make fun of me then I have plenty of other things to do," she replied, standing up. None of them took the committees formality to seriously.

"Sit down!" shouted Joseph, amused by the demonstration.

Adelaide scoffed and sat down slowly, taking her time to position her arms, and looking around the group. "Proceed," she bowed her head, Augustine returned the gesture.

"Before we begin, we shall have the routine reading from the honourable, Prince Louis," Augustine stepped aside, Louis rose from his seat holding a scroll and assumed position.

"Ahem," he smiled "92 years ago, in the year 1688 of our lord, at the end of the bloody war that had broken apart every sense of unity this continent holds," he bobbled his head, delivering his lines theatrically. "7 young, intelligent, handsome," he paused and gestured at himself "royals came together to form a committee. A committee of princes and princesses from different countries who would travel around Europe's courts to promote peace and prosperity in the form of friendship, diplomacy, and empathy. They named them self, 'The Rotating Party of Peace', many other high-ranking youths joined this group over the years as others aged out and settled in their homes, returning with new understanding of their peers. It is declared that each season, after the entire group has arrived in the new court, a committee formed by the decedents of each the seven original members shall come together to determine the next place to be visited. Here, here." he concluded. This was met by rowdy chorus of agreement and laughter. Augustine returned to centre stage, taking the scroll from Louis.

"We shall now take attendance; each representative shall call their name and title." Augustine announced, "The Holy Roman Empire?"

"Joseph Hasburg, Archduke of the Holy Roman Empire." called Joseph, perched on his seat.

"The Kingdom of France?"

"Louis Bourbon, Dauphin of France." Louis said quietly, he knew he didn't need to shout for people to listen.

"The Kingdom of Normandy?" Augustine continued.

"Adelaide Orléans, Princess Royal of Normandy, Duchess of Jersey" Adelaide said.

"You don't need to add the duchess part every time." sneered Quintino.

"We fought very hard against the English for the right to claim Jersey, I would rather set fire to this very dress than-,"

"They basically handed it over," interrupted Joseph.

"That is just pure revisionist propaganda! I don't know what lies they are feeding you in Vienna but if you actually-" Adelaide scoffed.

"Augustine, please shut them up," cried out Gwen.

"He's wrong and he needs to be told it!" Adelaide protested.

"Alright, Alright. Can everyone calm down. I asked for titles and that's what Adelaide gave. Lay off Tino." Augustine said, leaning forward on his arms. Quintino pulled a face but succeeded. "The Granduchy of Russia," Augustine continued.

"Mary Romanov, Princess of Russia," Mary drawled dully, even a simple sentence seemed to take her an eternity to get through.

"The United Nations of Milan, Venice, and the Papal states?"

"Quintino Sforza" he said.

Title as well dipshit, Adelaide muttered under her breath

"Kingdom of Spain?"

"Sabrina Cardosa, Princess of Spain"

"As I am heading the committee, my good sister Gwendolyn shall be the representative for the United Provinces of the Netherlands. All founders have proper representatives, and so concludes registration." Augustine was met by a symphony of sighs.

"I want to go somewhere sunny," Sabrina cawed.

"You could come to Milan," Quintino suggested.

Adelaide glanced at Louis to see if he was going to make a suggestion. He had straddled the backwards chair, tracing the grooves of the table with his fingertip, emotionally unconnected from the discussion.

"How about Versailles?" she suggested, keeping an eye on the dauphin. If they announced their engagement it would force her to come clean to Nicholai, she wasn't sure if she could tell him on her own accord.

"I can't be bothered to go back to France." he called out, looking up.

"Louis's right, we need a change of pace." Augustine interjected

"What if you all come to Russia, I'd be glad to have you." Mary chimed in. Chimed was incorrect, 'droned in' perhaps?

"NO." Gwen yelled, face alert. "Why waste summer in Russia, how about we go to Rome?" she looked around the room for reaction, "Vienna maybe? Joseph what do you say?"

"I like the idea of Milan," he answered, much to Gwen's dismay.

"I think that's a great idea," said Sabrina.

"Versailles' gardens are so nice in summer though." Adelaide said, grasping at straws.

"Milan is good with me," Augustine brushing her off. "majority for Milan, Agreed?"

"You don't get a say August. So, no, not agreed." Gwen interjected.

"I vote Milan," Louis said, raising his hand. His face was unbovered, but his eyes darted around the room, he had stakes in the game.

"So, do I," said Mary.

"Adelaide, can I convince you," Quintino asked, snidely.

"Well, you're already five to two, so you don't really need my vote." she scanned the room. "But, since you're asking, I'm fine with Milan."

"Decided?" Augustine said.

"Decided." everyone agreed, even Gwendolyn who sat arms folded, face sour as lemon.

"Meeting adjourned," Augustine slapped the table.

Adelaide watched as people started getting up from the chairs, tapping her index finger on the table.

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