Chapter 14 🍋

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The chase continued, when Croissant went to see Oven, he complained on how Katakuri was turning his castle upside down searching for her. Escaping Oven who kept complaining, she immediately went to see Daifuku after giving Oven his souvenir.

She was surprised to see Daifuku skimming through paperwork, and scribbling who knows what.

"Need any help?" Croissant said walking towards him.

"Oh, Cro, I heard you were back." Daifuku said standing up to give her a hug. But after that he immediately sat down to continued his works.

"There was something wrong with the notes yesterday my men had taken, it didn't match up, so I was skimming through it, I think there is someone who is slowly trying to steal the treasures store here."

"Its been happening for quite a while, but yesterday almost half of the treasury was stolen. I know its nothing compare to Mama's but it's still something I should be managing, but I let it slip my sight."

"I have already told the chess pieces to set out on a search first, after I finished checking this and finding the right amount on how much I loss, I will join them."

Croissant nodded and chuckled a bit, Daifuku looked at her confused on what was funny. "I'm just thinking how grown up you sound" Daifuku pulled out a smirked hearing that.

"So, do you want me to help?" Croissant asked again.

"Aren't you busy with Katakuri?" Daifuku asked back.

"I'm guessing if Peros-nii is still talking to him and Brulee will keep her mouth shut for a bit longer, I can spare a few minutes, by the way this is yours" Croissant said giving him a box.

"I think I can handle it for now, seeing as Brulee is already here." Daifuku said glancing towards the mirror.

"Then a word of advice for you, brother" Croissant said smiling.

"Check the floor I can hear the wind."

Daifuku smiled at her, "Thank you, sister"


Katakuri was starting to get annoyed, Croissant had visited almost half of the siblings, she even went back to Whole Cake Island when he thought she was heading to Cacao Island. What was annoying was how she can make him go around in circle like this. Stepping a bit further than his Kenbunshoku can see.

It was almost noon and Katakuri was back in Whole Cake Island again. He had guessed she needed to come here because, all the souvenirs were in her room in the Chateu after all. But when he decided to wait, she still managed to bypass him when Amande called him to say she was at her island.

He had believed her, and when he arrived at Nuts Island, Amande only pointed at the mirror.


After she finished giving out all the souvenirs, it was almost night time. Katakuri still hadn't caught her which she found amusing. She was strolling in the Mirror World after Brulee left her, she was probably called by Katakuri.

That was why she was walking around, but when she heard the sound of a specific person's boots clank, she smirked. Not looking back, she slowly dispersed becoming one with the air. Appearing behind Katakuri, she launched an attack on him.

Sending what seems like an air cutter, just barely missing his head if he didn't duck quick enough. Brulee scream as Katakuri pushed her away to her safety. He was right, Croissant was not stopping, and even if he didn't push Brulee, she would have done it herself.

Finally, they were looking at each other.

Croissant was shorter than Katakuri but he was now tilting his head upwards as Croissant uses her power to float in the air.

Croissant's Life (New Life Side-Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon