Chapter 9

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Arriving at the next island, they got more souvenirs for the family. She was strolling the road at the town when she felt people were following her. Ares and Allen had also noticed and began looking at each other nodding. Allen then disappeared somewhere.

Leaving Ares and Croissant alone. They both continue to buy things that caught Croissant's eyes. Not minding the people who where following them.

Not too long, Allen returned to her side and reported to Croissant about the people who were following them, it turns out they were marines and it looks like the island was kind of being surrounded.

"Are they planning to catch me?" Croissant hummed as she sat down on a bench near the center of the city. Lifting her mask a bit to taste the ice cream she bought.

Croissant sighed after Allen didn't say anything, finishing her ice cream she stood up and strode off. "Let's go then. Nothing to do here anymore"

"Yes, milady" Allen said before disappearing yet again. He was going to the ship first to take care of the marines that was occupying it.


Allen stood proudly on the ship, not a single marine in sight. But just when Croissant had boarded the ship, from behind them 2 marines ship began sailing their way.

The ships began launching cannon balls at them. But the three didn't seem fazed.

"Set sail, Allen" Croissant said just as a cannon ball slip by her side and exploded, not scratching her a bit. She sat down looking at the marine ships, crossing both her arms and leg she then smirked.

Ares was deflecting the cannons with ease while Allen was setting the ship to sail.

"I wonder how they found out about me, I don't think Garp would tell them, but if he did, how could they know I was here" Croissant asked as she glanced at Allen and Ares.

"Do we look like we know, Cro?" Ares asked back, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Jeez, don't need to be so grumpy" Croissant said. Ares had been grumpy since they landed on this island because of all the stare he had got, but it wasn't the normal 'what are you' type but the 'can I touch you' type. And he didn't like being poke by stranger especially kids.

"We are starting to get near Sabaody soon, so their HQ must be close, that means they can send men faster. So, any small rumors they heard or been reported about, must have prompted them to go after you, Croissant-sama." Allen explained while gripping the steering wheel.

Croissant nodded in understanding. But she wondered didn't they have anything else to do, she was getting old to be a wanted person. Man, those geezers got a grudge to hold. Its not like she attacked them since. Them and their pride.


Meanwhile at Totto Land, Wheat Island.

Katakuri was grinning from ear to ear behind his scarf after receiving the report from Allen, he had also told Allen to send the tone dial here, because Croissant would find out sooner or later and possible destroyed it.

Despite his stoic demeanor, his wife could always make him feel that something called happiness.

Mama was furious to know Croissant had escape Totto Land without her permission but after a while she suddenly was okay with it. She and her moods swing. Food always made her happy after all.

Oven and Daifuku teases Katakuri about him not being able to complete Croissant's needs. That was why she escape, being a husband that trust his wife Katakuri ignored their taunts.

Croissant's Life (New Life Side-Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon