Chapter 10

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Continuing their journey, they had visited a few more island and finally, the three of them reach Sabaody Archipelago. Allen was going to stock and called Rayleigh to coat their ship, so Croissant and Ares went for a walk.

Croissant walked towards a crowd of people kneeling, she looked around to see a kid crying over someone's whose alive, why is she saying he's dead? And why is the man look familiar?

She then turned her face. And realized what was happening.

A Celestial Dragon.

'Not another one' 'You can't be serious' 'Please' People mumbling.

"Why aren't you kneeling-eh?"

Croissant didn't talk and continued walking. Then the Celestial Dragon realized something, silver hair, and a spear with a face. His eyes darken. But he was a fool, the legend his father told him 'Beware of silver hair and silver eyes, they will slay you with a spear that has a face'

He didn't believe them, so he shot his gun at Croissant who was walking by him. She was fast, her finger tilted the gun to miss. And she glared at him, at a Celestial Dragon. Showing her silver eyes.

She looked around to see many promising pirates and not wanting to cause trouble, if she had killed one, they will sent an admiral here, she dropped her hand from the gun, then she continued walking away, the Celestial Dragon's bodyguard was about to chase Croissant, but the Celestial Dragon stopped him by shooting at him instead.

Leaving a confused crowd and a scared Celestial Dragon, Croissant and Ares continued their walked around.

After that, Allen then called them saying Rayleigh is missing and Shakky said they should look for him, and she recommended they should go to Sabaody Park to search for him.

After Ares watch Croissant plays, they sat at a bench at Sabaody Park. But just when Ares looked around for a moment. He sighed and walked around to find her. But he didn't find her, she had disappeared not like usual.

Because if she was lost, she wouldn't be far as Ares only let her out of his sight for a second.

Croissant was really missing. Not lost. So, he decided to went back to tell Allen. Ares did panic but he trusted his master won't be harm anywhere here, she could take care of herself.


'I wonder, where they are taking me?' Croissant thought. Just when Croissant was sitting on the bench before, she saw a few people trying to asked for help, so she went to help them, but surprising them at first.

They then told Croissant their friends were in trouble near somewhere so she went with them.

After they arrived at an alley, a sack covered her head and someone hit her neck, but when it first hit her, she didn't faint like they want, and was panicking, she then thought she didn't want to fight wanting to find out what were they going to do so, she slowly lay down.

And now she was being carried somewhere. 'So, this is what it feels being kidnapped.'

'At least they aren't manhandling me.'

"Boss we have capture someone." She heard someone talking, when she was placed down, they opened the sack that was covering her face, and was surprised to be met with silver eyes.

"Oi, why is she awake?" The man asked his men. Croissant could feel her hand being cuff, but by normal chains. "Tsk, oh well, lets see what is under this mask" He said as he leaned closer to Croissant. He hand reached out to her mask.

They opened her masked and grinned.


Croissant follow the men who had chained her even more, not just her hands, but also on her neck, she recognized this kind was the one that could explode. She quietly walked inside a cell, she looked beside a giant and smile.

Croissant's Life (New Life Side-Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora