Chapter 4

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The next few days, the group just wander around the city, it was a beautiful city, very different from the island at Totto Land, Croissant couldn't stop trying the non-sugary food, and Allen and Ares were tired catching up to her.

She would run all day, not a little bit tired.

It was sad when they would leave after the ship finishes but she had many other places to go. Many more excitement is waiting for her.

"Did Katakuri say anything?" I asked Allen as we eat at a restaurant. My face was still covered by my mask, but I lifted in up a bit to eat.

"Nothing specifically, but Cracker-sama is throwing a fit." Allen said with a calm face.

"I will remember to bring back souvenir for him then, and the others too" Croissant said chuckling


"Thank you so much for the ship" Allen said to Iceburg, while I looked at the new ship.

"How is the ship, dear customer?" Croissant wasn't expecting Kaku to asked her.

"Is it to your liking?"

"It's very well done, very different from the one I'm used to" Croissant said casually. Kaku smiled at her and nodded his head, he was rather cheerful. She wondered if this was also an act.

The new ship was the same size as the one they rode here, while it was made of wood not sweet, but it was still comfortable. The next stop would be Alabasta, Croissant had someone she wanted to see.

Someone who should have grown much since the last time she saw her.


It was quite a long way there, but they had stop at island to island to restock and for Croissant to walked around. But as they were still a few months away from Alabasta, during the night she was surprised to see something she in a few months back saw before.

The Moby Dick.

Sneaking away from bed while bringing 2 suitcases of money to return, Croissant fly to the deck of the ship with whale figure-head, it was supposed to be night-time anyway so it was quiet but the quiet wasn't because of that it seems.

The air was down, and she didn't even saw Whitebeard on his usually seat, walking inside the ship to the search for Marco or Thatch or maybe Ace. She was surprised to feel many people's presence in the Mess.

Where they having a party? But it was so quiet.

Opening the door, heads snapped to looked at her, but she didn't care, once she saw Marco with the other Commander. She walked to them.

"What's this?" While Croissant was often oblivious to many things, but she knew when something was wrong.

"What are you doing here-yoi?" Marco asked.

"I wanted to return the money I borrowed."

"No, Pops said it was fine"


"Where Thatch and Ace?" As she asked that, suddenly the air turn colder. Her eyes widen and she glared at Marco.

"Thatch is dead"

Croissant's eyes widen, it was only a few months since the last time she was here, the man was still smiling happily and all. Remembering back to the time she was here the first time.

She couldn't really blend in with them, she was after all an enemy to them. She would only talk to Marco and Whitebeard, during the day when the crew were busy, she had sneak into the kitchen, surprise she saw Thatch there.

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