Ramen - Seo Changbin Unfinished Draft

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A/N: This is an unfinished draft that I am publishing. Please do not take any of my ideas, do not try to recreate them, do not try to finish them and/or publish them on your own, and do not ask for a finish version of the stories or for a part 2. I will report your stories if I see anyone plagiarizing or trying to finish my stories, and I will not respond to anyone asking for more parts. of this story. 

Synopsis: Just your average kdrama scene playing out at your local 24-hour convenience store.

Genre: Fluff

Word Count: --- 

Changbin almost smacked his face against the white countertop when his hand fell out underneath him. He awoke with a startle and attempted to rebalance himself on the little stool that he sat on. Glancing at the clock placed on the wall furthest away from him, he sighed.

"11:54 pm" it read.

He had started his shift two hours ago, and he only had two more hours to go before he could call it a day and hand off the rest of the graveyard shift to the next oncoming sucker that worked after him. It was times like these that Changbin wondered why he decided to take on a part-time shift that required such odd hours of work. But then he remembered.

The money he needed to fund his music academy studies came from this slimy job.

Letting out another degenerated sigh, Changbin pushed himself away from the counter, off the stool, and grabbed the cardboard box filled with ramen cups. He might as well do his job. There was no one at the store, and no one really came around this time of night anyway.

Changbin shuffled around the counter and towards the ramen aisle of the convenience store. Half of the chicken flavored ramen was gone, and most definitely needed to be restocked.


Changbin tried his hardest not to steal quick glances at you while you sat at the window scrolling through your phone waiting for your ramen to cool down. This was the first time that he had ever seen you, and he was automatically infatuated with you. Changbin didn't believe in love at first sight, but upon seeing you, he's questioned everything that he's ever believed in previous to this night. 


You walked into the convenience store at 12 am again rubbing the tiredness out of your eyes. Truth be told, you were starting to get more bloated, and starting to gain more weight the more you went to go eat ramen in the middle of the night. But you didn't care. You wanted to see Changbin more often, and this was the only way you knew you could see him with some sort of 'proper' excuse. You hoped that he didn't mind seeing you every night and that he wasn't tired of you already. But you think that his attitude and how he smiled at you said otherwise.

"Hey," you heard Changbin say. You looked over to your right side and blinked a couple of times at him before smiling at him.

"Hi," you gently replied back. Your eyes fell down and quirked up at the sight of the steaming cup of noodles that was sitting in front of him on the counter. Changbin noticed your fallen eyesight and pushed the cup of noodles in your direction.

"It's on me," Changbin smiled at you, the tips of his ears becoming red as he blushed.

You paused with your mouth open in surprise, you held up a finger and let out a quick "Give me a moment". Briskly walking towards the instant noodle aisle, you grabbed another cup of the shrimp flavored noodles before heading back towards Changbin at the cashier. Setting the cup down on the counter, you asked him to ring up the noodles. Confused, Changbin hesitantly took the cup of noodles wondering if he had accidentally prepared the wrong flavor of noodles.

His confusion was answered when you held the cup out to him instead of paying for them. "For you, but on me this time," you said with a shy smile.

Changbin looked down at the cup held out to him before gently grasping it into his hands and looking back at you to meet your eyes. His eyes crinkled upwards as a smile overtook his face. "Take a seat, I'll meet you over there," he said nodding towards the counter that faced the window and the world outside.

Unable to wipe the smile off your face, you carefully picked up the still steaming cup of noodles and brought it over to the counter. You waited until Changbin had sat down next to you with his freshly made cup of instant noodles before handing him a pair of chopsticks.

Nothing felt awkward between the two of you. Despite the tv playing late-night news in the background, it was a comfortable silence.

"So, Changbin," you started trying to make some sort of conversation. "You work here?" You almost smacked yourself at the stupid line you just said. Out of all the things you could have said, 'you work here?' was your go-to? Of course he worked here, he just rang up your noodles less than 10 minutes ago

Changbin looked down at the work vest he wore with the bright "GS25" logo pinned at the top of his chest. Then looked back at you with a small smirk when he noticed how you happened to shrink backward in embarrassment. "Yeah, I do happen to work here. You come here often?" He quipped at you. It was obvious that you came to his convenience store often. You came every night at this point. 

You slowly nodded wanting to hide in your jacket and run away. Ultimately, that would have looked worse for you though. "I um.. Well... I was wondering why you happened to work here so late? You look young, shouldn't you be off having fun, partying, or something?"

Changbin shrugged before looking back at his noodles, moving them around the cup with his chopsticks. "It's a long story."

"I've got time," you said.

Changbin glanced at you from the side. "How much time?"

You looked at the clock behind Changbin that read 12:10 am. "I've got all night," You said carelessly. "But how long do you have until your shift ends?"

"My shift ends whenever you're done with that cup," Changbin smirked at you. Mentally, he patted himself on the back.

'Good line, Changbin. Good job' he thought.

Peering at your noodles, you picked up your cup and slurped up the remaining bit of your noodles before wiping your face and turning back to Changbin.

"Done!" you chimed showing Changbin a smile and an empty cup of noodles. Changbin couldn't help but laugh at your childishness that he found too cute.

"Alrighty then, come on," Changbin grabbed both of your noodle cups and tossed them away, proceeding to go about his end of the night duties of locking the cash register, turning off all the lights, and locking up the store.

You stood outside the store patiently waiting for him while you admired the sky above and all the stars that stood out to you in the darkness.

Changbin arched one of his eyebrows and smirked. He started making his way towards you all the while unbuttoning his sleeves and rolling them up. "What should I make you do for losing hm?"

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