Royalty - Bang Chan Imagine

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Synopsis: Your father, also known as the King of Erodel, wants to find you a suitor, while you were rather let fate take care of who you fall in love with. 

Genre: Fluff, ROYAL AU OH YEAH, love at first sight (?? is this even a genre) 

Word Count: 2556

A/n: ageahjges Bang Chan as a prince alshgejhge BANG CHAN IS ALREADY A LIVING PRINCE SO IDK WHY I WROTE THIS.

Being the youngest daughter in your family, your father loved to spoil you. Your father being, the king of Erodel. You were the youngest, yet you were also turning 18, and to commemorate, your father decided to throw a grand ball in your honor. He had invited multiple neighboring kingdoms to your ball, and had also invited a variety of princes in hopes that one of them stole your heart. 

You didn't mind having such a large festivity, but what did bother you was the fact that your father also expected you to be wedded soon. Which was also one of the reasons why he had invited so many princes to your birthday celebration. You preferred to take your time, and to fall in love naturally rather than forcefully. If you met a man that you had a connection with, then you would let fate take care of the rest. The idea of falling in love naturally had been proposed to your father multiple times, each time the idea being rejected with the claim that "you are a princess who deserves the best, and I will find the best for you." 

Today was the day that you turned 18, and it was also the night of the grand ball. Your head lady in waiting, Mina, had woken you up practically at the crack of dawn to get you ready for the dance that practically seemed 20 hours away. Nonetheless, you followed her orders and complied to her pinching and pulling without any complaints. Mina always wanted to have you dressed to perfection, but every time she dressed you for such an event, you couldn't help but feel sore afterwards. But Mina always had you looking like the true definition of a princess at the end of the day. 

Time had flown by, and once Mina had you dressed, it was time for the ball. You flitted down the stairs towards the grand entrance, your heart pounding with excitement. It was the night where you were now recognized to become a respected woman in politics and in all matters of society. Jumping up and down with excitement, you stood behind the doors waiting for the herald to announce your presence at the ball. 

"Introducing Princess Y/N of Erodel," the boisterous announcement echoed throughout the grandiose ballroom, along with the large entrance doors being pulled back to reveal yourself. You lifted your eyes up from the floor to face the great room crowded with people, all eyes on your form. As you began your descent down the opulent stairway, the throng of people fell down into a bow or a curtsey beneath you. When you had reached the bottom of the staircase, the crowd of people rose back up as you gave a gentle smile trying to conceal your nerves and excitement. 

The second your father announced the start to the ball, a rush of people came forward to wish you a happy birthday, while many more came to speak to you about your views of current events that were ongoing within the kingdom. Some princes approached you asking for a dance in an attempt to whoo you over in the duration of the song. By the middle of the night, you were exhausted from having to talk about what you would do for the kingdom if you were the crown princess, or what you think you can do for the kingdom, or from having to mindlessly chat with the multiple princes that attempted to have you fall in love with them by the end of the night. 

You had danced with practically all of the people who had attended the ball before you finally walked out onto the balcony to breathe in some fresh air. Closing your eyes, you enjoyed the brisk, cool wind flow across your face cooling you down from all the dancing. You heard some rustling and felt a presence next to you. Opening your eyes, you were startled to see a certain Prince Bang Chan standing next to you with a small smile on his face as he looked out into the night.

Stray Kids ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora