Birthday Boy - Hwang Hyunjin imagine

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Synopsis: You try to create the greatest birthday ever for Hyunjin, but with the members of Stray Kids trying to help you out, it obviously does not go as planned.

Genre: Fluff

Pairing: HyunjinxReader

Word Count: 1.4k

A/N: A happy happy birthday to one of my baby boys Hwang Hyunjin :'))

"Changbin! Put that vase down! Stop trying to hit Felix with it! No, don't just set it down on the floor. Put it on the table!" You screamed across the room trying to direct Changbin to put the vase in the perfect spot on the table; you wanted everything to be great for Hyunjin's birthday. Even if that meant that you had to turn into a dictator who yelled at the other members of Stray Kids, who were currently trying to help you set up for Hyunjin's birthday party.


"What?" You snapped turning around to face a scared, wide-eyed Seungmin.

"Um, I was just wondering where you wanted... This... these um-" Seungmin said stuttering over his words as he saw your stressed and furious expression. He ended his sentence by simply pointing at the balloons that were held in his hand.

You sighed, immediately loosening up and calming yourself down. You didn't mean to scare Seungmin, but you were stressed as you had only 30 minutes left before Hyunjin arrived at the dorms, and you still had so much left to accomplish. "Just scatter them around the house, but make it look nice," you gently told Seungmin, softly patting his shoulder to signify that he was doing a good job. Seungmin nodded before quickly skittering away from your presence, still obviously intimidated by you.

You stood still in your position for a moment before you sniffed the air, detecting the scent of something burning. Immediately, you ran towards the kitchen only to see Jeongin and Minho waving kitchen mitts around the area, attempting to disperse the smoke that was being emitted from the oven.

"Oh my goodness," you muttered as you groaned and rolled your eyes so far back in your head that it most likely wasn't a pretty sight for anyone to see.

"Y/N!" Jeongin said shooting you a bright smile. "Don't worry! Minho and I have this covered, the cake is still good!" Jeongin said pointing at the cake pan that sat on the counter. It once looked like a vanilla cake... But now it very much looked liked a chocolate cake with all the char that covered the pastry's surface.

"Honestly, you've done worse," you simply stated recalling the time that Minho spilled the entire pan of tteokbokki.

"You are absolutely right. But we can just scrape off the sides of the cake and then put some frosting on top of it," Minho exclaimed excitedly quickly gathering the frosting ingredients from the fridge. As much as you detested the idea, it was too late to start a new cake or order one from the nearest cafe.

"Fine, just make it look pretty," You sighed exiting from the room to check on Felix to see if he was completing his assigned task.

Outside of the kitchen, Felix stood on top of a grumbling Changbin, trying to pin the streamers to the wall of the living room. "Y/N! What do you think of the banners? Do they look fine?" Felix questioned, still standing on Changbin's back.

"I think they look fantastic," Changbin remarked sarcastically, his voice muffled by the floor.

"Oh shush, you can't even see it," Felix swatted Changbin's shoulder, to which Changbin responded with a loud snort of annoyance. From your perspective, you could clearly see that that the letters spelling out 'Happy Birthday Hyunjinnie' were crooked. Also, Felix had somehow managed pin the letter 'B' backwards, and had spelled "Hyunjinnie" as "Hyunjinine".

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