Lazy Days - Kim Seungmin Imagine

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Synopsis: On Seungmin's day off, all he wants to do is laze around with you and doing absolutely nothing. 

Genre: Fluff

Pairing: SeungminxReader

Word Count: 1595 

A/N: I didn't edit this at all so I apologize for any grammar and spelling mistakes. I'll edit eventually but I just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Seungmin had woken up that morning with the sun shining in his eyes. He was about to groan and roll over when he felt something under his arm shifting slightly. Thinking that it was Jisung, Seungmin didn't think much about it until he heard a light, feminine sounding sigh come from the body next to him. Peeping his eye open, Seungmin saw you laying underneath him, dreaming away. He smiled thinking about last night's events; Seungmin had taken you out to dinner then too an arcade where you both spent the rest of your money challenging each other to car racing games, skee ball and what not. 

Seungmin gazed down at you as you remained snuggled underneath his arm. Even in your sleep, you were still the cutest thing ever, in Seungmin's eyes. He  sighed contentedly as he begin to slowly play with your hair and caress your face. When Seungmin became bored of being the only one awake, he began to poke your face. He repeatedly poked your cheek, specifically the place where your dimple was located whenever you smiled. Slowly but surely, your eyes slowly opened and found their way to Seungmin's face. 

"Good morning!" Seungmin exclaimed, smiling widely. 

You smiled back at him before closing your eyes and stretching while letting out a soft, "Good morning," as a reply back. 

"It's Saturdaaay," Seungmin sang pulling you closer into his body, closing whatever minimal space was left between the two of you. 

"Mmm, yes it is," You hummed hugging Seungmin's as you rested your head against his chest. 

"What do you want to do today?" He asked taking your hand into his and twiddling with your fingers. 

"Nothing," you replied looking back up at him.

"Nothing?" He questioned returning your gaze and looking back down at you. 

"Yes. I'm feeling quite lazy today," you said placing your head back against his chest again. Seungmin's body vibrated with laughter and he chuckled at your response. 

"I suppose we can have a lazy day. There's nothing to do today anyways."

It took a while for the two of you to get out of bed, but when you finally did, it took you even longer to finally make it out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. After eating breakfast, the two of you settled on watching movies and lounging around on the couch as you simply enjoyed each other's company. It was later in the day when Seungmin had left you alone at the dorms so that he could run to the nearest market to get some food for the both of you. The minute Seungmin stepped back into the house and smelled the nail of nail polishes, he knew that he was in for it. 

You were sitting on the floor with a bunch of nail polishes dispersed around you in a circle; you sitting in the middle of it as you pondered hard about which color to choose. Seungmin questioned whether he should pretend that he had never actually returned, but by the time he made up his mind to turn around and leave, you had already saw him. 

"Seungmin!" You called out, a wide smile on your face and a playful glint in your eye. 

"I'm back," he sighed. He already knew what you were going to ask. You had developed an obsession with nail art lately, and you were always trying to paint Seungmin's nails. 

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