Band Bonding - Aussie Line Drabble

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Genre: Fluff

3/? of lists of ideas that I had that didn't make it into fics so I just turned them into drabbles.

Felix pushed his fallen spectacles up higher on the bridge of his nose as his eyes drifted across the page that he was on. Licking the tips of his fingers to create to create some sort of friction, he swiped his pointer finger across the corner of the paper page to flip it. In front of him was a steaming cup of coffee that had now cooled down and was the perfect temperature for drinking.

Across the room at the other end of the cafe sat two people curiously gazing at the other boy that sat at a distance away from him.

"I think he would be a perfect fit for us."

"I think so, too. His hands look like he has the kind of calluses you get from an instrument."

"He looks really smart."

"Yeah, but I bet you that I'm smarter."

"Shut up, Chan. You have like 3 C's in school."

"Yes, and all those C's will and can disappear if I just drop out of school."

"... You right."

"I know I am. We should invite him over to sit with us."

"No! That's a terrible idea! We don't even know him, and he surely doesn't know us!"

Voices rising, the two people began to attract the attention from those around them. As they continued to peer at the intellectual-appearing boy, Felix felt a pair of eyes on him. Tearing his eyes away from the page, he looked up only to have his eyes meet yours.

"You think that he- oh shiit, he's looking this way. Quick! Look busy!" Grabbing the coffee placed in front of you, you quickly tried to appear occupied and very interested in the light cappuccino that had been ordered. While Chan grabbed the nearest newspaper near him and dug his face inside it. The only problem was that the newspaper was upside down.

Across the room, Felix let out a heavy sigh. Irritated, he snapped his book shut and stood up. Making his way over, his eyes were fixed on the pair that seemed to have taken quite an interest in him.

"Is there something on me? Did I do something wrong? What's going on?" Felix questioned once he had stood in front of you and Chan.

Your eyes slowly moved to meet his. He had pretty eyes and there were little freckles dotted across his cheeks. He was... really cute.

"Uh, I um... Chan?" You asked throwing the attention his way so that he could answer instead of you.

"What? Why me?" Chan hissed throwing a dirty glare you way. You nodded your head in Felix's direction and motioned for him to speak.

"Um, I decided, or um, we decided," Chan began putting an emphasis on the word 'we' so that the decision seemed mutual. "That you are perfect for the band that we're trying to put together. It's a new thing, it's going to be great, we've already got a record deal and uh... What's your name?" Chan asked unsurely.

"Felix," Felix replied sharply.

"Right, Felix, do you play an instrument?" Chan's tone of voice was not confident and he was unsure of

Felix pinched his lips together and raised one of his eyebrows unamusedly. "I do, I play the guitar."

"Oh, that's great then! We're looking for a guitarist and-"

"But I don't want to be a part of your band," Felix interrupted Chan's excitement.

"You don't want to be a part of our band," Chan repeated trying to clarify.

"That is correct."

"I mean, that's fine too. We didn't expect an answer right away or anything-"

"How about you come to one of our practices, see how it goes, and then if anything, we can decide from there if you really want to join the band or if not?" You asked cutting off Chan once again.

"When will I ever get a whole sentence out?" Chan grumbled leaning back into his seat and crossing his arms.

"Stop being a child," You quickly said before turning your attention back to Felix.

"That depends. When is your next practice?" Felix questioned crossing his arms and straightening his posture. 

"Next Tuesday. Will you be there?" You asked hopefully, biting your lip and folding your hands together hoping that Felix would show up. You wanted to see him a little more. Felix hummed as he pondered before nodding. 

"Great! It's right after school at 3:30 in the practice room. I can send you the address later, if you give me your number?" 

Felix dug into his pocket and handed over his phone, while you hand over your phone as well. You both exchanged contact information before you making final plans and details about the practice day. As Felix walked away, Chan turned to you and looked at you with the biggest smirk on his face.

"You got his number just because you like him and wanted to text him, huh?" Chan asked poking your sides. 

"Yes, now shut up." 

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