What's Cookin Good Looking - Hwang Hyunjin Drabble

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Prompt: What's cookin good looking?

It's a high school au yEET

Words: 571

Groaning, you shut your locker door closed and pressed your head against it. It was only Monday, yet you had already taken 3 exams, and still had more tests to take throughout the week.

Friday couldn't come faster.

Streams of people passed by you, yet you remained in your depressed position as you dreaded going to your next class. You wanted the day to end, but even after the school day was over, you'd still have to study at home for your next exams.

Maybe if you dropped out of school, then it would be easier.

You could spend the rest of your life out on the streets, looking for street change, and eating chicken nuggets.

McDonalds has their $1 menu, and that could feed you pretty well.

But no, as tempting as that idea was, you had to get your life together. It's just one week of exams, you can do it.

Your thoughts were interrupted by your boyfriend sliding up against the wall next to you, and pulling you into his arms.

"What's cookin' good looking?" Hyunjin asked pressing a kiss against your cheek and holding you tightly.

"Nothing is cooking. My brain is dead and is unable to cook" You replied solemnly, slumping into his arms and resting your head against his chest.

"Really? Your brain is dead? How are you alive then?" Hyunjin asked poking your side trying to get you to laugh. Instead you sighed and looked up at him, with sad eyes. Immediately, he got the message.

"Aww, it's going to be okay! Don't worry! These exams are nothing for you! You're going to do amazing!" Hyunjin said attempting to cheer you up.

"I know nothing, my head hurts from trying to shove multiple molecular formulas and chemical bonds in my head from yesterday night," You complained, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's waist and holding him close. 

"How about after school, we take a small break, go get some ice cream, and then go to your favorite cafe to study? Hmm? How does that sound?" Hyunjin asked placing his head on top of yours and rocking the both of you back and forth.

"Will you pay?" You asked, your voice muffled by Hyunjin's chest that you had buried yourself in. His body vibrated with laughter as he expected that question to come from you.

"Yes, I will pay for you. I will buy your ice cream, your coffee, your love, and if you really need, I will pay the teachers to let you pass the class with an A."

"You can't pay for the last two, you're too broke to pay for those things."

"I'm too broke to buy your love?"

"Yes, I'm expensive," You said looking up at Hyunjin and flipping your hair over your shoulder.

"You're right... You're too expensive for me. The longer we date, the more broke I become. But I'd become homeless and live on the streets if that meant that I could love you forever," Hyunjin smiled down at you and placed a small kiss on the tip of your nose when he was done professing his love to you.

"That was cheesy," You said scrunching your nose up when he kissed it.

"Yes, but you love it. Come on, let's go to class now. We're going to be late!" Hyunjin exclaimed, smoothly slipping his hand into yours and pulling you down the hallway towards your next class. 

Your day may have started off terribly, but Hyunjin always knew how to cheer you up and throw some sunshine into your life. 

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