Fireflies - Kim Seungmin Drabble

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Genre: Fluff

2/? of lists of ideas that I had that didn't make it into fics so I just turned them into drabbles.

Seungmin reached up to catch a firefly in between the palm of his hands.

"Y/N! I got one! I think I caught one!" Seungmin shouted excitedly, rushing over to where you stood. Once he approached you, he opened his palms and let out a disgruntled whine.

"I think... You may have smushed it," You stated.

"Too much force?" Seungmin asked sadly.

"Maybe a little too much. Fireflies are gentle, we must be gentle with them. Try again!"

Looking around, you found another firefly hovering near the two of you. You laced your fingers in between Seungmin's and guided him over to it.

"Here," you whispered. Taking Seungmin's hands, you carefully guided them towards the firefly, and softly enclosed them around the little source of light.

"Look at it," you told Seungmin.

Seungmin opened his hands and gasped when he saw the little firefly sitting in the palm of his hand. His eyes lit up with joy, and your heart sped up a little faster to see him so excited.

"It's so cute!" Seungmin awed, bringing his face closer to the little bug that bounced around on his fingers.

"I think it likes you," You teased Seungmin. "And I think that you like it a little more than you like me."

"Yeah," Seungmin gaped at the firefly.


"What?" He asked snapping out of the trance he was in upon admiring the firefly.

"You like the firefly more than me?" You questioned, placing your hands on your hips.

"Did I say that?"

"Yes you did."

"I was joking."

"Sure you were." 

Seungmin smiled, leaned over, and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. "I don't like you," He said.

"You don't?" You pouted, eyebrows turning downwards in disappointment. 

"I love you," Seungmin stated assuringly. Taken aback, you stared back at him, unsure of how to respond. That was the first time that he had ever said such a thing, and it took you by surprise. 

"I- I uh," You stuttered trying to formulate a proper sentence. But Seungmin cut you off with a kiss on top of your nose. 

"It's okay," He said. "I know you love me." Giggling, he turned away from you and began to frolic through the grass field that was lit up with fireflies. 

You lovingly looked after the boy who had left you behind him, but who had also stolen your heart. "I do," you whispered, your lips turned upwards in a small smile before you ran towards Seungmin who had already caught a handful of fireflies and was waiting for you to catch up to him so that he could present you with his all of his newfound discoveries. 

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