Chapter 1-Return to Homeland

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"I walked a lot since then.

All that was keeping me company was a dog that Dogkeeper left me.

I finaly managed to get back to my homeland.

I now stood in front of a place that was once my home and i knew my mother is in there worrying sick,yet the only thing on my mind was still Nezumi.

I missed him so bad.The mark that his goodbye kiss left on my lips still hasn't faded.I wanted to feel it again...

His soft lips touching mine.

I needed his touch.

I never actually realized how bonded I was to him...

I never realized how I became dependent on him...I wanted to see him so bad...But i walked for too long to go back now so i gulped and opened the house's door.

First thing my eyes came in contact with was my mom holding a pan and staring at me still not moving.Her eyes became teary and she dropped the pan running straight at me and jumping on me into a hug.

She was still crying after a two minute hug,and then it began.

She started asking me millions of questions about where have i been till then,who i was with,am I okay and similar...I told her everything and she just took a relieved deep breath.We had dinner and I went to,once,my room.

I got out on the terrace,took few deep breaths and came back inside.I sat on the bed where Nezumi and i first held hands when we were kids...I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.I started crying...I haven't cried since I was a kid...I cried for minutes...I couldn't stop.I wanted to see him...I could never get him off my mind.

No.6-Shion x Nezumi (continuing of the original story)Where stories live. Discover now