Chapter 4

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Waking up,i noticed i was laying alone on the grass.A dream?Am i going crazy?

My dumb thoughts were interupted with Nezumi heading out of my house with a tray with tea.Thank God.

Noticing my face exspression he laid the tray on the grass and openned his lips to speak,but got cut off by me grabbing his collar and pushing him towards myself.

My heart was pounding like never before.Before our lips were just few inches apart i got to see Nezumi's suprised look.
Am i an idiot?Is this going to cost me losing him again?Does he find me disguisting?

I stopped.Realising i was still falling towards him i just placed my hands on his chest to stop myself from falling.I looked down and didn't say a word.I was so afraid to look at him.I was afraid of seeing him disgusted  from me still having feelings for him even after all this time.
Maybe he had a girlfriend...Or just came here to see me from pity?But he is not like that...I hope?

I was cut off by getting my chin pulled up and Nezumi touching my lips with his own.He had his eyes closed and was noticeably  blushing.

A few seconds later,we were still kissing,but now,i could feel his hand going somewhere it shouldn't.


No.6-Shion x Nezumi (continuing of the original story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt