Chapter 2

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Days passed since i came back home.I stopped counting ever since i realised how meaningless  my life became.My mother became really worried when she saw how I was acting.She easily noticed that i am not the same person I was when I left...I gave my best to pretend I'm happy and to cover all the midnight tears and all sadness that was slowly eating me.

Is there something wrong with me?

That thought became an everyday thing.I still spent my nights thinking how would it be now if it went in a different way...How things would be different and I wouldn't have to make mom worry.

I ate dinner,washed the dishes and without another word went straight to my room.I  laid on my bed and I felt a little tear forming in a corner of my left eye.Right eye followed that command and before I knew it I began to cry again.My sobbing was stopped by sound of a rock hitting glass.I whipped my tears and slowly headed to the balcony where the sound was coming from."Shion!"I heard a fammiliar voice calling my name.

No.6-Shion x Nezumi (continuing of the original story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя