Chapter 24

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Festival ended and it was obviously time for us to go back to our home.

I never noticed 'till now how much i loved saying 'our' home.Every time i said it it made me happy and somehow embarrassed. I can't seem to imagine calling that house mine anymore.

We walked side by side and i noticed Nezumi was making some undefined moves with his hand,only to turn my view to his face that was blushing like crazy. I walked like that not knowing what to do but he kept doing it. Eventually silence followed by our footsteps was broke by him yelling:


I almost jumped by the surprise of the meaning of that sentence as well as the loudness and tone he used. He was looking really mad and embarrassed,and as much as I hated seeing him mad,I kinda loved teasing him like this,even though I did not do it on purpose.I seriously had no idea what did he want until he said it pretty clearly.

''Sorry Nezumi I couldn't seem to understand what was it that you wanted from me.''

I said,placing my hand gently on his,intertwining our fingers.His hand was so soft,and at the same time sweaty.I could see he was nervous for some reason but I didn't realize why. There were no people around us. I lowered my view onto my shoes which were not appropriate for this opportunity one bit,but I still wore them. Why was I looking at my shoes you wonder?I don't have a single clue. My look was still focused on the ground,and I noticed a little drop falling on the ground. I looked in Nezumi's face that was drowning in tears. He let go of my hand and with both hands he tried hiding his face.


''Sorry Shion,I am just happy that i am able to spend my last days with you like this...Thank you...Thank you so much...''

Last days...

These words continued popping up in my head constantly...

Last days...

It was almost as if they were haunting me...

Last days...

How can it be our last days together...

We were separated for so long,yet he is going to be taken away from me once again...

It's just so cruel...

Saying this last words,he showed me his face,that had the most painful and the most honest smile I have ever seen. He literally jumped on me,but getting used to this I did not fall down. His hands were wrapped tight around my neck and if I hadn't know it was him I would have thought someone was trying to kill me. I thought he was going to loose his grip a little bit,but he kept squeezing me until he surrounded the whole surface of my neck. He was trembling due to how hard he cried.My hands were still loosened next to my body.I was still shocked by,once again seeing the new side of Nezumi I have never seen before.

I felt myself tearing up,and i felt a large pain in my chest...Earlier words of his were still haunting me...I almost broke,but I had to stay strong.For him.For Nezumi.

I got myself together as much as i could and i wrapped my hands around his waist,and held him as tight as he held me.

I felt my shoulder getting drowned by his tears...

It passed some time but he didn't seem to stop crying,and eventually i broke as well...

I let go of him,and noticing my reaction he lifted his head from my shoulder.

I 'grabbed' his face with both of my hands and with my thumbs i wiped his tears.

He tried moving his face away and looking down

''I don't want you to see me like this.''

''Don't be stupid.What makes me angry is the fact that you would actually think that i could ever find you not-beautifull.Look at me.''

His ash-silver eyes met with my red ones.His vision was definetly blurry.His eyes were dried out of tears.I placed my hands on his face once again and said:

''You are beautifull.''

before pulling him towards myself and kissing him.

I placed one of my hands on his waist,and started lifting his hand.

He was familiar with this formation. He instantly placed himself inches away of my face with a shocked impression,looking at me as if he was asking for my approval if it was what he thought it was. He grabbed my right hand,and placed his other one on my shoulder.

''Shall we?''

I said.

''We shall.''

We slowly started moving,with no music among us,nor anything else. Our gentle swings were followed by the whispering of the trees,and our spotlight became the Moon. We danced as if time has stopped. I remembered his dancing lesson pretty well. I memorized the melody that was playing then,and i followed it.And he followed me. I could see how his face brightened.

''You got a lot better Shion.''

''Why thank you ex-teacher.''

We giggled a bit,and then we let silence win over our dance podium.

It felt so nice.

Every time i looked at his face,covered by the night light of the Moon,and his hair that was carried by the wind i would fall in love with him all over again.

We kept dancing,alone,in the moonlight,until his grip on my hand loosened completely,and his body kept hanging in my arms.


No.6-Shion x Nezumi (continuing of the original story)Where stories live. Discover now