Chapter 7

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It's been a while since i heard the news and i still wasn't allowed to see him.I just thought it wasn't fair.But it seemed like my waiting paid off because one of the nurses was giving me a hand signal inviting me to come in.

Walking into his hospital room,seeing him attached to the bunch of fake "life-securers" was really a painfull expierience.But i could see his chest moving and i could hear him breathing.That moments that was all i needed.

I sat right next to his bed and held his hand.

Apparently 2 nights of not-sleeping got to me,and before i knew it i was falling asleep with one simple "I love you"

           ~Nezumi's pov~

I woke up and my whole body was in the worst pain that i have ever experienced.But there was only one thing calming it down.

It was a view of Shion sleeping against me not letting go of my hand.I just stood there like an idiot for i don't even know how long watching him sleep...

He was so adorable.I got the urge to kiss him and slap him at the same time because he made my mind completely blank sometimes.I just missed him one bit too much.Usually i don't let people in,because they just hurt me.

But with Shion hurting me i felt more sad than angry.I didn't feel like punching him.I just felt like hugging him.Even for once more.

I needed his touch as soon as i lost it.Time with him is the best time i can posibbly live in.

Time without him is time wanting to be with him.

I never felt this way about a person before...

I do not know how to deal with this emotions without getting hurt once again.

But at the moment i was just glad he was there...His touch on my hand felt like heaven...I wanted to touch him so much more...But i was so scared of hurting him.

I just kept watching him sleep untill he lifted his head,looked straight at me,tears running down his cheeks...

"You idiot."

He said jumping on me and weapping his tiny,weak arms around my neck.I pulled him deeper into my chest forgetting about all the pain and squishing him with every bit of strenght.


No.6-Shion x Nezumi (continuing of the original story)Where stories live. Discover now