Chapter 18

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I woke up to the sun rising and was suprised by the fact Nezumi was not next to me.I saw him sitting on the edge of the other couch visibly nervous.He was never like this so it scared everything out of me.

"What is it Nezumi?"

"Shion...I...I am dying "

I felt my heart skip couple of beats.I stopped breathing.I did not know what to say or how to react.I felt my eyes getting teary again.


"I am sorry...I just couldn't tell you sooner.I knew you would get sad and i did not want to hurt you...I am sorry Shion."

He started crying only to notice his tears becoming a wide smile.

He quickly turned over to me and litterally yelled in my face


I never,once in my life,felt a need this big to kill a person.

"You dumbass moron idiot!Are you trying to give me a damn heart attack?!"

He came closer to me still smiling a bit.

"Come on Shion,i was joking."

"Get away from me you idiot.I do not want to look at you."

Instead he put his hands around my shoulders,kissed my forehead and held my head by both sides of the chin not letting me look down.

"I am sorry.I went too far."

"You bet you did.Don't ever do that to me or i will make sure for you to die."

I tried turning my look away from him to show my clear anger but he kissed me and once again our morning turned into a cuddling session.

No.6-Shion x Nezumi (continuing of the original story)Where stories live. Discover now