아홉 - a revision.

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After an informative conversation regarding a few new changes, they then completed their first practice with their new instructor.

* * *

"Taehyung, a little more work on the twists, and Jin, more energy on that last move," Nova critiques. "Other than that, you guys have been adapting wonderfully."

The members, all packing, smile and thank her. Then Jin walks toward her, raking his hands through his hair. He smirks.

"Yes," Nova answers, turning around from shuffling through her bag. "What is it?"

"Well, I was hoping that you could find time to tutor me, like one on one. I could use some help on some techniques."

Nova almost smiled. He seems so prideful, yet he knows when to humble down and ask for help.

And on the first practice, she thought. There are not many prideful men like that.

"I already admire your personality," she grins. "Always trying to improve. Go rest up for now, but let's schedule something tomorrow."

"Alright then," he caught her eye, grinned, and walked off.

Should I really be giving compliments this early? she thought.

In the next minute, the boys had rounded up and said their goodbyes when Nova asked for her last favor.

"Uh, Jimin, could you stay back for a while?"


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