열 셋 - switch it up.

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The studio was all emptied out except for Namjoon, who was right behind me with his face just inches from mine.

"Sorry," he grinned embarrassedly, lifting his cap and stepping back, "but do you have a moment to talk... maybe over coffee? There's something important we have to discuss."

* * *

We hopped off the elevator and entered the main lobby of the BigHit Entertainment building. The lobby was modern and very spacious. Bright lighting flooded the area and comfy seating was everywhere.

Over to the corner, a small, modern-but comfy-looking cafe sat, devoid of human life. Most of the staff and trainees came here for breaks or to chat; it was very rare for an idol to be seen here. We went inside, greeted by a kind older woman who took our order. Namjoon ordered an iced macchiato with an extra shot of espresso while I ordered an iced peach tea; I'm not a coffee drinker. Namjoon offered to pay for mine but I insisted he didn't, slightly amused he even asked. I'm his choreographer after all. I can pay for myself.

He found a spot for us; it was a small brown wooden table with two seats on either side hidden in the corner of the cafe. The lighting was slightly dim and a beautiful arrangement of potted plants surrounded the corner, making it seem cozy. We sat down with our drinks and sipped thoughtfully for a moment. I look at his face and noticed how tired he looked. "Don't you guys have a busy schedule today?"

He wiped his face with his hands. "They cut me some slack today. I've been having these horrible headaches, but I insisted on coming to practice. I forgot to tell my manager I was coming to see you, so they probably think I'm up in the dorms right now. Guess I cut my security guard some slack too." He lowered his cap, suddenly hyper-aware of his surroundings even though no one was even in the lobby.

So this is how they have to live.

I couldn't imagine what that would be like. I reached over slightly and tilted his hat back up. I smiled at him. "Hey, take it easy. A little normalcy can't hurt sometimes."

He grinned at me while sipping his drink. His face then suddenly got serious. "I think it's time to change some things."

"Mmhm?" I questioned while sipping mine.

He continued. "I know I didn't tell you this while we were talking together as a group," he twiddled with his cup, "but some of the guys are sensing unfairness in the choreo. I know Jimin, Jungkook, and Hobi are the main dancers, but in most of our choreos the others stay to the back."

I realized how true this was as he spoke it.

"And believe me, we are always happy when the dance lineup gets a solo part, but the others and I were talking, and we feel like with this song we can benefit from a change in the positions. Let's surprise everyone." His eyes seemed brighter.

I took another sip. I began to think about what he was saying. Switching the positioning could mean essentially altering the outcome. Completely. Yet ideas were flowing through my head. I could really switch this up. I could do it. We could do this together.

I set my drink down and looked at Namjoon with scrutiny. "Do you guys believe you can do this?"

He looked back at me with a straight face. "Yes."

"Then I'll think about it."


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