여섯 - it's a she.

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The two of them raced down the hallway, and at record speed, they made it to the studio door.

Yoongi turned to Nova.

"I guess this is where we depart," Yoongi said, panting.

Nova smirked.

"You guessed wrong."

And with that, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the studio.

* * *


Everyone was frustrated.

They had gotten out of the dorms a few minutes ago after breakfast, and made it to the BigHit corporate building to sign the paperwork. No one was exactly sure what the paperwork was about, but all of that was forgotten because a certain problem had arisen.

Namjoon was angrily trying to get a hold of Yoongi on the phone.

Of course, he thought. What could he be doing?

"Forget him, he'll come through," Jimin said, reading Namjoon's frustration.

He didn't.

Just then, their manager, Dam Min-Hee, calls them in.

They walk into a meeting room with a long, rectangular table in the middle and sit on either side, facing one another. Mr. Dam's chair was positioned across the width of the table.

He starts right away.

"Now, there is a bit of new information I want to tell you about." He sighed.

"We have found you guys a new choreographer. There is a waiver that must be signed to agree to this decision. You will be meeting her today." He said straightforwardly, passing the stack of waivers to Taehyung, who was sitting directly to the left of him.

He continued. "After you read the information and sign, come to the studio. I'll be outside if you have any questions."

With that, he stood up and left.

All of them looked at each other. They each knew what the other was thinking.

"You will be meeting her today."


No one said anything. Then Jungkook read her name off the contract.

"Yoo Lei Nova. I hope she isn't a grumpy old lady or something."

* * *

The boys had just finished up in the meeting room and were now stationed at the studio. Namjoon was pacing back and forth, trying for what felt like the hundredth time to reach Yoongi through phone calls.

"C'mon Yoongi, pick up," he grumbles.

"Just wait patiently, he'll show up, like he always does," V says reassuringly, but it sounded like he was trying to reassure himself.

Yoongi might be a bit of a snoozer, but he was never late to anything, especially to practices. This left the rest of the group thinking something has happened.

"Oh no, our beloved Suga has been eliminated," Jin snickers.

Everyone just looks at him.

Mr. Dam walks in. "There is no need to worry; Yoongi checked in this morning and should be on his way."

"When is she going to be here?," Taehyung and Jimin ask at the same time.

They glance at each other.

"She should be here any minute-"

"See, this is what we don't need in an instructor. They can't just be late! Don't you guys have any...." Jimin trails off.

It was then that Yoongi barged in with a woman holding his hands.


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