Chapter 22

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Percy did it. He finally came out as bisexual.


"Mum? Paul? C-Can we talk?" Percy asked nervously, walking into the kitchen. Sally smiled warmly and finished doing the dishes, and Paul set down his newspaper. "Sure, honey, sit down." Sally said, taking a seat next to her husband.

Percy took a deep breath and sat down. His hands were clammy and shaking as he tried to gather up some more courage. God, how had Nico done this when he was 14?

"I-I have something to tell you guys. It kinda involves Nico too." He said finally. Sally's eyes flashed knowingly and her smile grew, as did Paul's. "Go on." Paul said.

"N-Nico and I, we're, um, closer, much closer, than we've ever been before." Percy watched his Mum and Paul carefully, so far no signs of homophobia, like his dad, Poseidon, was. All he got was smiles and words of encouragement, like 'Go on.' Or 'Carry on, Percy. It's okay.'

"S-So, what I'm trying to say is," Percy took a final deep breath. "Mum, Paul, I'm bisexual. Nico's my boyfriend." What came next was unexpected. Paul cheered and clapped. Sally got up and hugged Percy so tight he thought his lungs would burst.

"Percy, son, we're so proud of you." Paul grinned.

"We're fine with it, baby." Sally smiled, brushing Percy's hair from his eyes and kissing his forehead. "We accept you."

*Flashback over*

He did it a few weeks ago, and now he could openly be as romantic as he wanted with Nico, his boyfriend. God, that felt so weird to say. Boyfriend. He had a boyfriend. But the more he said it, the more right it felt to say.

Today, Percy had a huge surprise for Nico. Well, everybody did. He hoped Nico liked it, which he probably would.

"Percy, where are we going?" Nico giggled, trying to pry away Percy's hands which were being held over Nico's eyes. "Just wait and see, baby boy." Percy kissed Nico's cheek, making his cheeks tinge pink. "Just wait and see."



Nico went still in Percy's arms as he let his hands fall, letting Nico see his 4 best friends walk towards him. A beautiful redhead, a sweet looking Chinese boy, a stunning dark-skinned girl, and a Latino Christmas elf.

Tears clouded Nico's vision as he saw Leo, Rachel, Hazel and Frank walk towards him. Rachel, Hazel and Frank saw their bags and went to grab them, but Leo froze when he saw Nico.

"Leo!" Nico screamed, breaking into a run and launching himself at his best friend. "Nico!" Leo opened his arms and caught Nico as Nico wrapped his legs around Leo's waist and buried his head in Leo's neck, his arms hugging his shoulders tightly.

"Dude, I've missed you so fucking much." Nico cried.

"Same here bro," Leo sniffled, letting Nico back onto the ground.

"So, I'm going out with Percy now." Nico smiled.

"So, I'm going out with Jason now." Leo grinned. (A/N: JEO 4 LIFE OMG)

Nico pulled Leo back in for another hug. "That's great, Leo." He murmured. "We're not alone anymore."


"So, you're the famous Percy Jackson we've heard so much about?" Hazel smiled warmly and leaned into Frank's side. "Yeah," Frank agreed. "Nico's told us a few things about you."

They were sat in Nico's room, catching up and laughing like old times, the girls especially cooing at how cute Blackjack was.

Percy nodded, draping his arm around Nico's shoulder. "The one and only."

"We've heard so much about you, admittedly not all good, but you seem like a good guy for our Nico. And Nico, 10/10 would bang." Rachel winked, earning a glare from Nico as he tightened his arms around Percy's waist. "Mine." He said warningly, earning a laugh from all of the others.


The day finally came when Nico had to go home to California.

"I'll miss you so much," Percy murmured, "So fucking much."

"So will I." Nico sobbed. Yeah, he was pretty torn up. "I promise to fly out here once I have enough money for a flat."

"I'll be waiting." Percy whispered.


Nico looked out of the plane window and at New York's night sky for the last time. A light summer rain danced across the cool glass as Nico heard Hades grumbling beside him.

"What's up, Dad?" Nico said, his voice thick with tears.

"This book," Hades muttered, "Has appeared to have ended mid-sentence. As if I didn't have enough things keeping me up at night." He put An Imperial Affliction back into his bag.

Nico laughed half-heartedly, a tear falling down his face. Hades eyes actually softened as he looked at his son with concern. "Hey, Nico, come on, don't cry, your Mother will think I've said something mean to you and made you cry." Hades said urgently, rubbing Nico's back.

Nico looked up, sadness filling his dark eyes. "I'm gonna miss him Dad." He said, his voice small.

Hades actually smiled. A sympathetic one. It wasn't even sarcastic! "I know you will, Nico. But just think of how happy you'll be when you meet with him again in a few years. He'll still have that little twinkle in his eyes when he sees you." Hades smirked. And now he's back to normal.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks Dad." Nico smiled at his father.

Then the plane took off into the night, leaving New York and Percy Jackson behind.

For now.

Finished! It's done! *cries*

But wait

What about the Epilogue?

6/7 Chapters!!

-Ella xx

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